How to make hand made hearts - Whatever Wednesday


If you are stopping by expecting to see a fashion post, you have actually stumbled on to Whatever Wednesday, the one day of the week that I use to post whatever it is that I'm working on other than fashion.

Today I'm sharing how to make these sweet fabric hearts to give away or keep for yourself.

hand made hearts

I wanted to make the ladies at my bible study table something to remind them of our time together so
I decided what more appropriate symbol than a handmade heart.  They were so easy to put together that I thought a quick tutorial was in order to share with you.

fabric hearts

You'll need the following supplies-

Two five inch pieces of fabric in coordinating patterns.
A half inch strip of white cotton fabric to stamp a verse or quote on.
Rubber letter stamps and an ink pad.
Twine or ribbon for hanging loop.
Fiberfill for stuffing the heart with.
Basic sewing supplies.
A 4.5 inch heart pattern.  (I made mine out of heavy card stock.)

how to make handmade hearts

Start by tracing around the heart pattern on each of the coordinating fabrics and cutting along the traced line.

Cut or tear a half inch x 5" strip of white fabric and stamp your quote or verse on it.  Be careful to leave a one inch margin on each side of your stamping for your sewn seam.

Cut a four inch piece of twine and set aside.

Lay the heart fabric you want to appear on the front right side up and lay the white stamped fabric (also right side up) at an angle across the top of it.

Fold the twine in half and secure it with a small pin so that the hoop side is down.  Leave .5" tails sticking out of the top center of the heart.

Lay the second fabric, that will be the back of the heart, right side down on top of the first fabric and pin.  You will have the two hearts right sides together facing each other at this point.

Carefully sew around the heart using a one quarter inch seam allowance, leaving a one inch opening on the lower side of the heart to turn it out.

Clip a slit at the center of the heart where the twine sticks out being careful not to snip through the stitched area or twine and turn the heart right side out and stuff with fiber fill to desired fullness.

Hand stitch the opening closed and you're done.

hand made fabric hearts

I have made many of these through the years and never grow tired of this classic symbol of love.  I like personalizing them for the occasion and this time since we've just finished a bible study on the Armor of God, I decided to add a piece of scripture from Proverbs 4:23 to remind us to guard our hearts, to fill them with the Truth of the Word and to avoid anything unwholesome.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

how to make handmade hearts

These go together quickly and are a nice keepsake for girlfriends or as teacher appreciation gifts. They also make great personalized ornaments for handmade gift exchanges.  The possibilities are endless.

I hope you enjoy the change of pace one day a week.  I will be back tomorrow with another fashion post and more details on my mini ten day fashion challenge.  In the meantime, if you'd like to receive my free wardrobe challenge list, be sure to subscribe before this Friday.

I just happened to have an extra heart that I'd love to send out to one of you.  Just leave me a comment and I'll randomly select a winner on Saturday 6/4/16, and mail it out. (This give away is now closed.) Have a wonderful day.

xo, Patty

If you like crafty how to posts be sure and read my post on how to make mini fabric flags.


  1. These are so sweet Patty. I know your girlfriends must love them.

  2. What a sweet idea for your Bible study friends. I love the heart you painted for me several years ago!!


  3. What a cute idea! I will have to do this one.

  4. Patty,

    I love your work and would be thrilled to win the heart.


  5. Very sweet hearts and awesome reminder about our heart. I would certainly enjoy having one to remind me. Thank you.

  6. Patty, I love that cute craft. Once up on a time I would have done that. I seem to not want to sew any more and I hate that I have lost that desire. I use to make all my girls play clothes and some of their school clothes too. One of my daughter's is a great maybe I passed the baton. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. These are so sweet..... I love hearts and I keep meaning to make some.... you have once again inspired me.. I have two birthdays coming up at the end of the month (sister and friend) and I think one of these would be perfect for each of them... of course, would love one from you too!

  8. This sweet post made me happy and has encouraged me to make hearts just like the ones you made to give away so someone else will be happy too! :) Its the simple things that are made by hand and come from the "heart" that mean so much to others.


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