
I have had so much fun pinning and clipping pretty pictures of what I want my living room to look and feel like and now I'm ready to write out a plan of action.  My to do/wish list is really not that long and most of it can be tackled with a little bit of good old fashioned elbow grease.

My design board includes lots of light and crisp colors against a white backdrop. - Life on Lemon Lane

But before I get started I thought I'd share my inspiration board with you as well as my ideas on what needs to change in order for it to function more practically and look more like the style I'm seeing in my head...Oh, and did I mention I have a budget?  Did I mention it was $100.00?  Did I mention that is not nearly enough to get it to look like my dream living room?

This is where you might check out of the process entirely and think why bother starting?  I mean, how much can $100.00 buy?  You might be surprised if you focus on the most bang for your buck and are willing to do a little sale research and thrift store shopping.  I know I cannot replace my leather sofas with a lighter slip covered sofa but I can buy (or make) new throw pillows to brighten them up.  I may not be able to afford expensive wall paper to back my book case but I can cover the back of a shadow box shelf with pretty get the idea.

And there are some things I already love about the space including the colorful cottage plate display above the fireplace and the library corner that just needs a little spruce up.

I am so excited to get this underway and my living room design board will certainly help to keep me both motivated and intentional when I do start spending and stretching my budget.

When was the last time you made an inspiration or design board?  If it's been a while you may have forgotten what you're missing.  Grab those magazines and a pair of scissors and start clipping!

xo, Patty

If you'd like to make a design board for your refresh and restyle room by room project, I've made a how to video that I've posted on my YouTube channel.  Here's the link and don't forget to hit the subscribe button while you're there.


  1. I love your are so sweet!

  2. Your mantle looks lovely and I love that little rabbit. Question, do you still have your Etsy shop? Unless I’m missing something, I do not see a link to it.

  3. As always your color are so refreshing.

  4. Patty! I love the new look of your blog! You're having so much fun with the blog and videos! You inspire me :)

  5. Hi Patty. I have not blogged, nor been on my computer in months! I do watch your youtube channel. I miss you. I texted on your birthday. Not no reply, so wonder if you have changed your number. We need to schedule a meetup. I miss all of you Covina gals!
    xo Kris

  6. Hi Sweet Patty! I'm scrolling through and catching up. I love your living room ideas. Your colorful cottage style always makes me smile.


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