This morning - let's chat

Grab a cup of something warm and let's chat...

I woke up this morning tired but loving life...not just life in general, but my life.  Nothing is so different from yesterday, my struggles and stresses are still the same but something in my soul is feeling grateful for what I have...right now.

patriotic bowls

My daughter and two grandson's will be moving out in a couple of weeks into a shared place with my
oldest daughter who's husband is away on a military deployment for a year.  It's only one town over so I will still babysit a few times a week, which is perfect.

It is a bittersweet move, one that's necessary and good but still hard just the same.  One of the perks will be that my oldest and my two grand girls will be less than five miles away which is 85 miles closer than they have been in a very long time, so I'm looking forward to that.

patriotic bowl display

On the down side I won't be waking up to my grand boys nonsense and hugs as much, on the upside I will wake up to a quiet and clean house a lot more.

I've had to make another hard decision (that I'll share with you soon) and there will be an adjustment period but all in all my heart tells me it's time and the right thing and so I'm at peace.  Maybe the events of these last few weeks are settling down in my mind and I'm ready to face a new normal or maybe, just maybe, I am finally letting go.

Wouldn't that be something?

Whatever it is I like it, this feeling of contentment.  The day is full of promise and possibility.

What's wonderful in your life today?

xo, Patty

If you like visiting over coffee like this here are a few more let's chat posts for you to read.

My cute little bowls are a few years old but I did find some cute patriotic things to share with you...


  1. What a cheery, sweet post! Yay for you! :) I woke up feeling the same way today - after a long week of highs & lows, I'm ultimately left with a feeling of satisfaction and gratitude. It's a messy life but it is my life ... and it is blessed. Have a good weekend!

  2. I love chatting with you over coffee, Patty. The conversation touched my Mom and Grandma's heart. The picture just makes me smile. You will be in my prayers this week as you move through the changes in your circumstance. Not as life changing around here, just baseball, and grands around more because school is out. I am feeling the loss of my friend who is closing her quilt store and moving across the US. I will be talking about that soon on my blog. Again, love your heartfelt.

  3. Patty, I am so sorry to hear about your little puppy. My parents had a Bichon and she was the sweetest little dog. I had to put one of my dogs down. It was a hard thing to do but our vet told us we "will know when it was time". Finally, like you, we said we couldn't stand to see her suffer anymore. Now she is at the "Rainbow Bridge" with all of the other pets who are feeling healthy and whole.

  4. Such a nice chatty post.... life always seems to change doesn't it? just when things seem good and right... then a change happens. I've finally accepted that but it's hard sometimes. Other good things do come with change I've also learned. Life is ever evolving. I'm glad your daughter and grands will still live close.. just right for many visits and sleepovers and babysitting.. and also some space for you... we all do need our little bits of space and time alone. Take care and anxiously awaiting to hear what other decisions you've made in your life. Marilyn

  5. Patty, I think it's great that your daughters will be keeping each other company. And, as much of an adjustment as it will be, I picture your future days as peaceful and quiet and God doing new things in your life.

    Letting go is so hard. I pray the Lord will give you a peace and clear direction.

  6. Just found your it!

    I understand where you are coming from here. My daughter got married last October, and although she is only a 28-minute drive away, adjusting to having her out of the house was sometimes difficult. Thankfully, the Lord has seen me through and I have found that our relationship is as close as ever, just as I'm sure yours with your daughter and grands will be.

    Patti @ Embracing Home


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