words that touch


Every once in a while I have the privilege of touching someone, by the grace of God, just when they needed it with a photo or a string of words and it is such a sweet blessing for doing something I love to do...blog.

Monday I received a comment from a beautiful woman named Becky that tugged at my heart because I know first hand what it is to worry about loved ones who are ill.

Becky if you are reading this, I have tried to find a way to respond to your comment without success.  Please know that I am praying for you and your family. 

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.  The Lord be with you all."  2Thessolonians 3:16

May you feel God's peace and healing in the days to come.

xo, Patty


  1. That Scripture is just right, for all of us, and for Becky today.

  2. Oh Patty i am also a christan i love the lord and that scripture is beautiful
    Ella xx

  3. Patty, you are awesome! :D. You have been an awesome blessing to me too...even though you live clear across the country from me!

    Bless you!
    Love, Carolyn

  4. Patty,
    What a precious message and outward act of kindness and friendship! I pray that Becky knows you care and finds the peace she needs!

  5. You are sweet to care and pray - I will also pray for "Becky."

  6. that was lovely, you have a big heart,

  7. What a dear post. You have a great heart- xo Diana

  8. Patty,

    We don't always know what impact our words have on someone. How thoughtful of Becky to let you know that yours held meaning for her.



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