Monday morning tantrums...


We are off and running today.  I wish I had a nice little story to tell you about what I have planned for the week but a certain four year old has his own plans for my morning.

As I sit here typing he is already in his time out chair and it's only 7:30 am! 

It's going to be one of those days...

"Come to Me for rest and refreshment. The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary. Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion. Instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life.
Remember I can fit everything into a pattern for good, including the things you wish were different. Start with where you are at this point in time and space, accepting that this is where I intend you to be. You will get through today one step, one moment at a time. Your main responsibility is to remain attentitive to Me, letting Me guide you through the many choices along your pathway."   Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

So for this Monday morning, I can only dream of enjoying my coffee in the sweet serenity of the daisies.

What about you?  Are you having a Monday morning of serenity or is it one of tantrums? 

xo, Patty


  1. Patty! how cute is this place! thank you those encouraging hit me right where i needed it most...and thanks for following :)♥ much love

  2. no serenity! had to take my car in for the hail repair and got a rental car...can think of other things I would rather do!

  3. For me this morning.... Grandson and puppy = chaos. We live in a world of "no Libby" right now.

  4. No serenity this morning for me either!! I won't go into details but it was an awful start to my week!! I believe I will have to buy this book!! The quote is beautiful and a great reminder!! God is good to be so patient with us and put us "in time out" as you do your grandson rather than giving up on us and walking away!

    Hugs, Carolyn@ cottage sunshine

  5. No time outs here today I hope - unless I give one to myself! We're planning to paint today! A Girls' Clubhouse must begin. Hope you find a spot of serenity today.

  6. I was scolded by my 20 year old son because I didn't wake him up this morning. It took me awhile to calm down, so I wasn't very serene at the start of the day!

  7. Patty, I love Sara Young's "Jesus Calling". I went swimming first thing this morning and it makes my mornings so much calmer. Hoping your day will become more serene.

  8. I'm having a wonderful Monday thus far, Patty! It's my day off work, I met a friend for coffee first thing this morning, and now I'm doing some light housework and laundry. It's actually cool enough here today (northern IL) where I have the doors and windows open to let in the sunshine and cool breeze. Back to work tomorrow (in a boring office at a job I don't like) and back up to 99 degrees by I'm trying to enjoy today to the fullest! :-)

  9. Well, I hope the day turned out better than it started. I am late commenting on the laundry room makeover. My laundry is almost the same size, and you have given me some great ideas. You did a wonderful job!!

  10. He didn't get off to a very good start, did he?

  11. Not mush serenity here as I have the MINI WEES (grand Kids) for two more weeks and I am not used to little kiddos any more but they are sweet. Hey welcome to BlogHer. I am still figuring it out. hugs, olive

  12. Raising 4 children I have had plenty of tantrum mornings in my life!! Now my mornings are peaceful and quiet, but I earned it!!! The good thing..I have plenty of great memories to keep me company on these quiet mornings!!

  13. Fortunately, My morning was serene even though it was filled with wash, ironing, cleaning...all that kind of stuff..I'm sure it's hard to do anything with a four year old around..Good luck Patty

  14. Oh how I know those kind of mornings! But for me, I woke feeling even better again today, and decided that cleaning the house could not be postponed any longer! I vacuumed, mopped, scrubbed and shined, all day long!!!!!
    Hope your day improved!
    XO Kris

  15. Monday morning found me in the garden...since we have no grandchildren yet...I'd even take tantrums to have one...and our boys are all grown...its peace and quiet here...sometimes a bit too quiet!!

  16. every morning i go through tantrums..

  17. Hi Patty! I love that red bench!
    I have three little grands here for three days and four more joined us for yard fun this morning. Granny's a little ragged!
    I'll try to get up before they do tomorrow and have that peaceful cup of coffee!
    Bless you.

  18. Oh too funny...well having a six year old we are dealing with being too active in the house! LOL...for a 51 year old this keeps me on my toes, but it is my child,not a grand.

    Have a great the red bench

  19. I miss the "time out chair". doesn't work anymore for my 25 year old . . .


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