trying to find a rhythm

Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement and shared excitement.  I am so looking forward to doing all the things I wasn't able to complete in a weekend.

The funny thing is that I spent most of yesterday doing nothing.  Every time I started a project it seems the television or my reading chair called my name.

This is not like me at all...

I guess the word tomorrow has a whole new meaning.  I started working when I was 15 so I suppose it is going to take me a while to find a rhythm to my new found freedom.

No worries though...there is always tomorrow!

xxoo, Patty


  1. You will get into the new groove...surrounded by such cheeriness! Petty soon, you will be saying; "I just don't have enough time in the day!" :D

  2. You are on vacation mode yet. Give yourself some time to relax and soon it will be how did I get so busy?

  3. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow! Yes, before long you'll be so busy you won't know how you ever had time to work!

  4. I agree with all the others. You groove will come. Take time to read that book!

  5. I'm sure you will soon get used to not working, and soon enough it will feel normal. I hope that you can enjoy spending time at home and you will be able to do more stuff you enjoy!! I hope you have a wonderful day Patty :) Thanks for being such an inspiration to me!!

  6. Remember you really are 'on vacation' until you finish up that accumulated leave time, so just relax and enjoy reading those books and watching those shows for a while! Soon enough, as the others have said, you'll have a new groove and wonder how the days can go by so fast!
    Best to you!

  7. It will come ! Before you know it you will wonder how you ever had time to work !

  8. I can't help but think of Gone With the Wind...Oh, I'll worry about that tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day. You will find your "rhythm" Hugs, Bonnie

  9. I am happy for you that you get to stay at home. You will settle in soon and wonder how you ever worked and got things done. You should just take the week "off". After working that long, you deserve it and more.
    If you accomplished so much with your home, garden, crafts and sewing that you did, I can only imagine how many more fun thing you will be sharing now.
    By the way, Jesus Calling is my current devotional. What a cute little book. I have it on Kindle, but now wish I had the book. Everyday, I read and think it must have been written for me.
    Looking forward to whats to come from Lemon Lane Cottage.

  10. Patty
    Hey, after that many years of working you deserve to just plop down in your favorite chair with a good book of watch the tube.
    Before you know it, you'll tire of that and move on to working on some fun projects!

  11. Patty, we all need days like that! The work wil be there when you find your groove. Oh, and I adore your mantel! Love the cheerful red & yellow accessories & fabrics you shared. :)

  12. Most days I feel like one of those rats running around and around and around on a wheel ... embrace your new found freedom!

  13. Congratulations on your retirement! I think you are overdue for a few days in the reading chair don't you?

  14. As the song of the 80's said..... "Don't worry, be happy!!"
    Have A Great Day!!

  15. You are just recharging your batteries. Enjoy the down time and relax, put your feet up, watch some TV, read. Don't worry, inspiration will return. It takes a while for everything to sink in. Meanwhile, luxuriate in doing nothing!

  16. Patty,
    Throughout each change in our lives, there is a transition time. Your mind and body need rest to adjust from one transition to another. My first week I faced lay~off last year, I just sat in each room of the house on a different day and looked at its beauty. Transcending into my home that I'd been absent from far too long. It was a good thing!

  17. Love the fabric in that bottom photo! You will begin to love it. Soon!

  18. Just give it time. You'll get projects going, and then there will not be enough hours in a day.

  19. Congratulations!
    One of the greatest blessings of my life was my retirement 3 years ago, after 32 years of teaching.
    Life has been far from perfect, but it is wonderful to be able to have this little piece of freedom.

    May I make a suggestion?

    Don't worry about your schedule-
    don't worry about filling time-
    don't do things or agree to things out of guilt-

    Just enjoy it.

    More will be revealed!

    White Spray Paint

  20. I am so thrilled for you! Enjoy all the new time you have and buy the way, I love the material on your chair. Very pretty! Kit

  21. Just take some time to relax and enjoy being at home. Pretty soon you will be so busy you will wonder how you had time to work.

  22. Hello Patty I would imagine that a little time of adjustment is needed at the moment, after all your years of working outside the home. Just pottering and getting used to a new way of life....and then you will find your new rhythm has established itself.
    (Btw thank you for your sweet comment, I use polyester toy filling to stuff the pincushions.)
    Have a happy weekend, Patty.
    Helen x

  23. Don't u just love the word tomorrow when u know it can be all yours along with your family!!!


  24. Oh, I'll bet you will find plenty to do to make you happy. You will be so busy that you will wonder how you ever had time for WORK. :))

  25. Probably because you're not on that schedule anymore. A good thing, huh?
    Enjoy your down time. Your days will be filled with all kinds of projects and such. And I agree with the others. You'll wonder how in the world did you have time to work?!? ;)


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