weekend plans


Any plans for the weekend?

I'm headed out to visit my mom and dad in a few minutes.  My mom and I have plans to attend a local quilt show and maybe check out the new Hobby Lobby. 

The weekend weather should be picture perfect...Can't wait to get it started.  I hope yours is picture perfect, too.

Enjoy, Patty


  1. Have a wonderful weekend! No big plans here, other than cleaning.

  2. I have plans to split wood, help fix a truck, fix a chainsaw, and maybe get some crocheting done.

  3. Enjoy your weekend with your parents! Sounds like some fun will happen!

  4. Have fun...that would be my mother's ideal weekend, she is a quilter.
    Love the pictures...how cheerful and colorful.

  5. What a lovely weekend you have planned...I love visiting little shows like that. Enjoy and may you find many unexpected joys this weekend...thank you for visiting me the other day. xo

  6. Enjoy the time with your mother. I've got granddaughters spending the weekend while their mom and dad go on a marriage retreat with their church. Love spending time with my girls.

  7. Your weekend sound perfect! Mom, Quilts and Hobby Lobby, fun, fun!! I'm headed to my sisters, about a two hr. drive. I guarantee it will be fun when we get together. enjoy your weekend! Hugs!!

  8. Hi Patty,
    I'm your newest follower. I love the crocheted potholders in the pictures, did you make them? I have a bit of a collection, and I am trying to learn to make them myself. Someday!!
    This weekend I am planning to work on my new craft room in the basement.
    So nice to meet you.

  9. Hello Patty,

    No big plans for me either,we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow so that will be nice!! :) Have a great time with your Mom and Dad!!

  10. Hobby Lobby ... I could spend a whole weekend browsing there.

  11. Have a great time with your mom at the quilt show.
    One of my daughters and her boyfriend are coming tomorrow night and making brunch for me on Sunday. It's my birthday Monday.

  12. Have fun. Where is the show? Does your Mom quilt too? How is Dad doing?
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  13. You are all set to have a great weekend it sounds like :)

    Around here, we'll be spending some time together just chillin'

    Have fun !

  14. It really will, I'm just doing a bit of blogging while waiting for my best friend(my daughter) to come over. We are going to crochet and make fabric roses. It's so nice to do a mum and daughter thing. Enjoy.
    xx jeanetteann

  15. Patty,
    Enjoy your time with your MoM! Although I don't sew (unless forced), I gain such wonderful inspiration with my art through fabrics! Plans...complete the re~arrange of the Art Studio. We just returned from Wal~Mart with the needed storage containers to do the trick! Once this is completed, I can begin doing what I love to do in the Studio!

  16. Patty I hope you have a nice time with your mom. Enjoy Hobby Lobby. How fun. Thanks for the girl time last week. Loved it!!

  17. we have a new hobby lobby here in Rancho cucamonga.....I love to go there and browse....bit it looks like rain this weekend so I may just stay inside and sew:)

  18. Your weekend plans sound lovely, Patty. I hope you enjoy the show and see lots of pretty things.
    Have a happy day, and a happy week ahead.
    helen x


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