another chapter ending


I have been thinking a lot lately about how random life can seem at times...

Just when you think you have life on a string, something happens and your world can come unraveled.

I am stepping out in faith that as one chapter ends...

another one begins... "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord.

As one area of my life has shifted in a way I wouldn't have chosen...another adventure that I have longed for is officially here.  As of February 21, 2012, I am a stay at home (and loving it) choice.   I have retired from State service after 27 years of punching a clock.  Since I have a little vacation time on the books, my last day of work was yesterday.

Just think, more time to do the stuff I love, and as if you are not sick of me already, more time to visit with all of you.  Woot....woot! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday.  Patty


  1. So exciting! Now the real adventure begins!

  2. I am sorry to hear about the sadness or hardship that has come your way, but delighted that you have retired and will be living the life you love. I retired from teaching in 2010, after 30 years, so have a sense of how you might be feeling about this stage of life. Happy Graduation!

  3. I was nervous where this was leading, so glad it is with "happy" news. At least I fell like you are happy! Hope you settle in nicely!

  4. I thought the same thing as Lisa, oh no, another blogger leaving, but then I was happy. Enjoy your time and freedom. xo

  5. Congratulations on your retirement announcement! I'm sure all else will work itself out ... it always seems to in the end.

  6. i know this time has a scary moment or two ... but exciting!! congrats to the retirement, i know you will have a ball & your days will be full. big hugs. (:

  7. Congratulations! It sounds pretty wonderful to me.

  8. That is wonderful...I am so happy for you! Now you can do so many things that YOU want to do. Seeing you here will be great! :D

  9. What an exciting new phase of your life, let yourself blossom! jennyx

  10. Congratulations! I hope you love every minute of your new life.

  11. Oh My Goodness! How fun! You will have an adjustment time, but it doesn't take long to snuggle. :) ENJOY!!!

    Hope all is ok on the other front. I am glad that the verse helped you today. I think that is one that I should read everyday. :)

  12. Patty, Congratulations! Change is unsettling even when it is a desired change. Take some time just to enjoy the time out of routine. Have fun! Bonnie

  13. Wow!!! Congratulations Patty! Oh what a feeling! ENJOY!!!!

  14. Totally Awesome, congratulations!!!
    Enjoy the next chapters of life!!!
    Chris :o)

  15. That's great news Patty! I think you will enjoy it and probably be even more busy, as most 'retired' people find out. You have some great reading material there. Blessings, Pamela

  16. That is awesome! Congratulations!

  17. Sounds wonderful to me. Enjoy your new time of freedom.

  18. Congratulations on your retirement. You will find, as most of us retirees do, that you will be very busy.
    Enjoy this new phase of your life.

  19. Good for you Patty, I know when I was finished working it was like getting out of school for summer vacation. Good feeling.
    Thankyou for the very nice gifts from your drawing. I posted a picture on my site. Thankyou so much!
    Nancy Jo

  20. It will be wonderful! I have been a stay-at-home wife for many years and love every minute of it! I am often asked if I get "bored".....heavens no! my days seem to go by so quickly with lots of things to do! Enjoy!

  21. I'm so happy for you, Patty, that you are able to leave your 'regular' job!! If you're anything like me, I've got so many irons in the fire now, I'd have to live another 50 years in order to get them all done and I've already got a pretty good start on the other side of the first 50!! LOL
    As for the other area of your life...continue to lean on Him. Yes, He does know the plans He has for you. You will be blessed beyond measure.
    Saying a little prayer for you my friend.

  22. Hi Patty! I wanted to stop by and say "thank you" for visiting my blog! I enjoyed visiting your blog, and I especially like your writing desk and craft area!

    I also wanted to wish you best of luck with your retirement! I'm sure that you'll have many happy days ahead!

  23. Patty,
    Congratulations! May your days be filled with wonderful adventures as you begin this new chapter in your life. Take time...for yourself. You are so deserving and worthy!

  24. Oh wow!! I am so excited for you! Congratulations!

  25. Congratulations! Love your blog. Now you'll have time to do everything you want.

  26. Congratulations! You are going to love being retired - I know I do!

  27. Patty
    A huge congratulations to you!!
    May your hours be filled with much fun and dedication to those things that you've been unable to enjoy in the past!

  28. Isn't life about the journey and look at the new path you are on. Congrats on the retirement and enjoy doing what you want to do. Looking forward to more posts so we can all enjoy more of you!

  29. Congratulations! Enjoy yourself.

  30. So happy for you Patty. Happy and jealous. I know my day will come too.

    We are planning a "blog beauties" day out on March 3rd. Gonna meet in Kris' neck of the woods......let me know if that works for you.



  31. My sister says retiring is like becoming "you" all over again. Enjoy the process! ~ Maureen

  32. Wow... congrats on the retirement!

    More mornings to linger and blog so we can enjoy more of your company :)

    New adventures coming your way!

  33. Congratulations.
    Change can be so scary and exciting at the same time. I look forward to hearing more as you begin this new chapter.

  34. I am so excited for you!!!! Enjoy everyday! I will enjoy the extra time you will have to spend with us! Congratulations!!!j


  35. I am sending you a big hug!!!!!! Welcome to your new chapter of life...enjoy, enjoy!! Start writing your new story! You have been very faithful.

  36. Although now we can only see the storm, "The Lord hath His way in the whirlwind and storm" (Nahum 1:3). Time and time again, just as spring is promised after winter, He has proven Himself faithful. Looking forward to seeing this for you and seeing your garden start sprouting with color. You are an inspiration to me. I love you so much...

  37. Congratulations! Enjoy the new chapter...

  38. What an exciting time fo. :0)r you Patty

  39. Congrats on being a "kept" woman. I miss those days, and am looking forward to it again soon.

  40. Yay!!! I'm thrilled for you! What a blessing and wonderful season beginning in your life! I can't wait to see all of your new posts that will arise from this new life of yours:)

  41. Hi just found your blog from a camment on a blog I am author off...janiacs unite... and popped ove rto say Hi...I am in your boat sort off...this week my youngest baby went to school I have been home for almost 25 years and now what..but I agree "for I know the plans I have for you say the Lord" Amen I am in agreeance... love your blog..happy whatever you do!
    Hugs Dawn x x x

  42. I am excited for you, and sure do look forward to seeing even more doses of your creativity coming through your blog. I am continually impresses with your taste and skills in this blog.

  43. Patty yeah!!! I thought it was going to be later. I see maybe lunch here soon I hope and with Shelly. Maybe next week.

  44. Awww, congratulations to you Patty. That's wonderful. I'll look forward to seeing many more colorful posts here -- one of my favorite spots in the day. By the way -- LOVE that sweet honeycomb/bee pitcher!

    Hope today is a beautiful day for you! ~Sally


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