finding inspiration

I have found that surrounding myself with pretty things, even for utilitarian purposes, inspires me to create. 

Beautiful things in the kitchen...pretty vintage canisters, cute measuring spoons or colorful dishes makes me want to get in there and cook for my family.

The same thing is true in my studio.  All of my crafting and sewing supplies stored in pretty boxes and buckets makes me want to go in there and create something beautiful.

Seeing my things displayed in a lovely way reminds me to use them to make others happy.  One of the best things about art is knowing what you have created might bring a smile to some one's face.

I used to feel the need to justify buying pretty things just for storage or when I already owned a plain version of the same thing.  Not my budget allows, I look forward to replacing the "ugly" with the "beautiful" knowing using something pretty can produce just that little shift in attitude that brings joy to those around me.

Don't you agree?


  1. I do agree! As a decorator, my work may not save the world but it makes run a lot better. We live our best lives in pleasing, well functioning spaces. ~ Maureen

  2. I think that way husband just gave me a set of the most beautiful measuring cups and spoon..just makes me want to use them! ;D

  3. It does help, I agree. You do have some lovelies!

  4. Yes, I agree completely. It helps when you are surrounded by nice things,it helps you to create better!! Great post, I love the pictures!!

  5. Totally agree...and now I will watch for more things to creative and fun you have been.

  6. Thank you so much for all the inspiration. I love that metal tin.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You are so right! Happy Valentine's Day :o)

  9. I totally agree! I first started organizing my sewing/craft room with plain, utilitarian storage units...plastic boxes, drawers and such. Why? Because it was fast and easy. But now I find myself being inspired to have pretties...not necessarily store and organize. Why not? Having a beautiful, creative space "makes me want to go in there and create something beautiful!" I couldn't have said it better ;)

  10. I totally agree! And your home is sure reflective of your philosophy too. I love to visit!
    Happy V'Day Patty!

  11. I so agree with you, Patty! Why not make our surroundings look lovely as well as being functional...and use a pretty container instead of the opposite! Simple things like that make such a difference to how we feel, I'm sure.
    Your new studio is looking lovely.
    Happy Valentine's Day.
    Helen x

  12. I feel the same way! I think everything in your studio is looking great. I love all your storage and even see we have some similar things.

  13. i agree with you.. i also use all throw away article.. i use to store my art supplies in shoe boxes, salt container salt container, cartons etc. in near future i'll decorate all those article to make a beautiful workspace..


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