my little writing desk

The work in my studio is just about complete.  I have a couple of sewing projects to finish up and then I will give you the full tour.

Today I thought I'd show you my little thrift store writing desk.  This is one of the pieces that my hubby brought up from my old space downstairs.  I am still happy with the paint color so it was all about accessorizing this time.

As you can see it holds a good deal of my favorite crafting supplies and my ever growing collection of Somerset magazines and hobby books.  The little pink chest was one of the pieces I purchased at Goodwill last month.  It is solid wood and only required a quick sanding, a couple of coats of my bubblegum pink paint and a little bit of distressing.

This letter holder has some sweet note cards just waiting to be written out and popped in the mail.

You'll notice I have jars of buttons tucked in every where.  I hadn't realized how my collection had grown until I started organizing and consolidating them into jars.

This is the red leather overnight case I shared before.  I store my crape paper, tulle, velvets, tea stained muslin, old sheet music and vintage wallpaper in there.  I love the lid propped open so that it's all visible and I can remember to use it on my projects.

The cases and tiered wire stand are filled with ribbon and lace.  I'm still working on the labels so that I don't have to keep opening them to remember what I stashed where.  It's kind of like a game of concentration with my middle aged brain losing the majority of the time.

Now if I can just slow down long enough to sit and journal a little or write out a few cards I'll be happy.  I wish I was better at putting my private thoughts down on paper.  Maybe I wouldn't keep running them over in my head if I just wrote them down in a journal.

If you journal faithfully, how do you discipline yourself to sit and write?  I'd love some suggestions...sometimes that blank sheet of paper only sets my mind to stewin' and not my hand to writing.

The sun is out today, so I think I'll head outside and take a look at the gardens.  It's almost time to start the clean up...not today, today is just about dreaming of Spring.



  1. Patty,
    What a treat to have all of your treasures in one room, ready for you to create whatever you like! I'm looking forward to seeing the completed studio. Of course, is a room ever "complete", I wonder...

  2. What a lovely shade of blue. You look all nice and organized ... ready to get on with your next project!

  3. Such a pretty desk!
    Lovely colours picked...simply beautiful!xxx

  4. Such a cute space, and super organized!!! I love it!!!
    Chris :o)

  5. Your craft room turned out great. You are lucky to have room for everything and everything in its place.

  6. I have always loved to journal. Even as a child I kept a little diary with a key. Many years ago I took the course, "An Artist Way". I gained so much from it I took it a second time and actually facilitated it one time. One thing it recommends is to write morning papers...three pages of unedited journaling. Everyone begins a bit intimidated, but it is amazing how quickly words begin to flow. The more you write, the you have to write it seems. Happy journaling. Bonnie

  7. It looks so lovely and cheery! I like the way you've arranged things. My journal is my blog. I could never commit to writing things down in a journal, but not long after I started blogging, I realized that my blog had become my journal.


  8. I have the exact same tiered basket piece. And my brown leather train case is almost exactly like yours too! They make great little carrying cases for your small projects. And I like them with stuff in them on display too.
    I have kept journals since I was very young. I kept one with each of my pregnancies, and I always keep a travel journal. It is fun to look back on them. Just last night while looking for a particular book, I came across a journal I had been keeping when we learned my father was ill. I was wide open, exposed, vulnerable, scared, and it was ever so apparent on paper. I prefer to read back on the happy times, but it reminded me that I have not journaled much since starting my blog!! Love how your space is coming along!

  9. Patty,
    Your desk for writing is darling! I have so enjoyed your progress checks as each area gets a "face lift". I know you, too, are anxious for its completion and your creativity to begin with projects using all those organized supplies! I have always loved writing...however, my students that needed coaxing did very well with recording their thoughts. They could play their thoughts back and then write what they chose. I have confidence in you. You'll find a medium of expression. Artist don't always use words to express their thoughts...

  10. I really adore those jars of buttons. My mother had a large jar of buttons when I was a child. I have just recently thought about it and all of the fun I had looking through them. Your room looks great!

  11. Oh what a lovely little place to spend your time at. You have such nice little places in your house. Everything is so nice and organized and so beautifully placed and colored. I love it!! I like the jars with the buttons in it- so cool!! And I like the little spot for your cards to be mailed- so very nice : ) Great pictures, I really enjoyed looking at them!!

  12. I love the colors and all the special items you've put together.

  13. It's all coming together! I haven't even started getting my sewing/craft room cleaned up and organized. :/
    Looking forward to seeing how it all looks.

  14. I love your space!!!! the colors are fabulous...and it really makes me want to redo my space...great job!!! cant wait to see everything finished!!!!

  15. It looks so lovely! I really like the jars! Hope you're having a nice day!

  16. Some how your blog was taken off my following list...I have no clue, so I joined again..I just thought you were being quiet these days.

    What a fun post...I love all of your finds, how you set it is pretty and relaxing.
    As for journaling/writing I am working on that also...I finished the book "Fresh Brewed Life" by Nicole Johnson and she inspired me.

  17. Patty, your room is coming along so nicely! I like the mixes of the spring colors, too. Have fun dreaming! Tis sunny here in No. Cal!!

    :) Becky

  18. Such a lovely space with special things. Very organized.

    As for being disciplined in journaling, I've been a writer for 25 years and there are days when inspiration is scarce, no matter what you do. This doesn't work well if you're on a deadline, but for journaling, my advice would be to not force it. Some days I only journal one sentence. Other days, the words won't stop. I also like to journal in pleasant surroundings, with something to drink close by.

    I used to tell my students to try and break writer's block by starting with a line like, "If I've learned anything in life, it's ...." Then finish it with whatever springs to mind. This will often lead you to other places.

    Good luck!

  19. Hi Patty, I am enjoying your blog so much. Today's post is a real inspiration as I am trying so hard to organize my craft space/office.
    Right now everything is in piles and it looks like a bomb exploded!
    I'm almost finished with your journal for Heather's swap. Hope to have it in the mail on Mon or Tues. mary

  20. Oh how I love your writing dest and all your organized goodies.
    I wish I could help you with the journaling. That was on my to do list for the new year and here is the end of January and I haven't written a word. I have the journal and like you, the words in my head, but...oh well, I'll keep thinking about it.
    Your buttons reminded me, I have a button post coming up.
    I am again being inspired by you to do a little organizing in my studio.


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