slow progress

Are you tired of me talking about my craft studio redo?  It seems like I've been working on it forever and the progress is moving along so slowly.  I really wish I had some pictures to share with you but you just have to trust me when I say the mess just ain't pretty...or inspirational.  In fact, it's down right embarrassing!
So I took a break from dusting fans, moving boxes and washing down walls and went in search of something pretty to share with you. 

Like this pretty vintage apron nestled in with the yellow scale my mom found for me at a garage sale for $8.00.

We've been in purge mode lately so I have tried to stay out of the thrift stores and away from garage sales.  Fortunately for me my family knows when something from my wish list (like a vintage scale) turns up at a bargain price and they don't hesitate to pick it up for me. 

Okay, breaks over.  The painting is just about done and I can't wait to share the color I chose with you.  It was a surprise to me but I think I'm going to love it.  Any guesses?


  1. That is a very special and lovely scale! Can't wait to see your studio re-do :)

  2. I have a vintage scale that was my Moms..... I have been purging also. First my closets & then who knows what is next!! LOL!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  3. I don't blame you..hunting for bargains is in our blood and we just have to break out and go!
    Great scale, have not seen one with the meat and veg graphics before.

  4. How sweet! What a special gift...the scale you will enjoy and a special gift from your mom! Sweet vignette, love your sunflowers too!

  5. I say maybe yellow! It's bright and cheery and can compliment so many vintage things.

  6. Love that scale, isn't it fun to receive a special surprise. I so know how that painting process goes. It took me forever! I'm guessing a green since that is what I went with for two walls. Only a guess, but I sure what ever color you pick it will be perfect!

  7. Can't wait to see it. You are so creative so I know it will be really cute.

  8. Love that scale!

  9. Hi Patty, I redid my studio last summer and oh my...what a job. I don't craft much anymore so I turned it into a writing, computer, resting, and daydreaming space. I just adore it and have to pull myself out of it to get some work done in the rest of the house. :-)

    Lots of luck with the redo.


  10. I love that scale. It's very vintage looks to be 50's? As for purging I have been doing that since New Year's Eve. I can't wait to see your new studio/craft room!

  11. Those are great scales!! I like the design!
    My purging isn't going fast enough. The weather is to be so nice today, I am headed out to work outside today. Yesterday I started on on sanding and priming cabinets. I am hand sanding each one and now I am thinking that I should be calling someone to do it for me. LOL!
    I will be back to see what color you chose for your craft room!

  12. Great scale!!I love the little pictures on it! Can't wait to see the painted room!!

  13. It's good to take a break now and then. As for the color of your craft first thought is lemon yellow but when you said it was a surprise to you, that makes me think otherwise. about a bright cheery blue?

  14. I'm with you on purging and getting organized. I started in the kids room this past week. Boy was it a mess and nothing matched. I spent 10 hours on Monday painting and purging and then on Tuesday the new furniture was delivered and put together. The final pieces were bought today. I have an Ikea bookshelf to put together tomorrow. One drawer, cupboard, space, room at a time. It's only the 6th day of a brand new year and progress is being made. :) Wishing you all the best as you continue the process too. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  15. That scale is the bomb! I love it!
    How thoughtful of your mom to get it for you.
    It does take a while to get projects done... but you're moving forward, that's the important thing :)
    Looking forward to seeing your color choice.
    I have no idea what it could be....hmmm.


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