the day after the turkey...

Happy day after everyone...whew!  Another one in the record books.  I hope your day was filled with good food and good company.

Before we move on to Christmas, I wanted to share a few pictures of my trip to the local wine country last week. 

My mom and I met up with my daughter and her family for lunch in Temecula, CA and decided to take the scenic way home to my mom's through the local vineyards.  I was hoping for a quick photo op before the leaves were gone from the vines.

My niece decided to join us and of course, that meant that I got to snap some pictures of my adorable nephew running among the vineyards.

I love impromptu trips that turn into wonderful memories, don't you?

If you are shopping today (or already finished) have fun and happy hunting.  If you are sitting this one out (like me) have a wonderful day after turkey day! 

I will be back tomorrow with a few more pictures and a giveaway.  Hope to see you then.

xo, Patty


  1. beautiful photos and beautiful baby!

  2. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, Patty. Your nephew is a little cutie!

  3. Patty, The pictures are nice. The little nephew, adorable. Glad your day was great. xo, Susie

  4. Veautiful pictures and the baby is adorable.

  5. Patty- Great pictures and it sounds like you are feeling great! Love the picture of your nephew. So cute! xo Diana

  6. Beautiful pictures and your lovley take of Nephew. Those are after T.G. memories all right.

  7. What great pictures. Definitely have a trip to wine country on my travel list.

  8. Hi Patty. Aren't the wineries so pretty?!!!
    Loved the pics!
    xo Kris

  9. I'm jealous of your time in wine country! My husband and I went to SF and Napa Valley a few years ago for our anniversary and we fell in love with that area.

    Oh - I introduced my mom to your blog yesterday when she was here for Thanksgiving. I showed her some of your posts and your decorating and she loved your blog as much as I do! :-)

  10. Looks like a lovely fall day..Very pretty...cute baby

  11. You're right impromtu trips do make wonderful memories. Your photo's are lovely! Thank you. ~Amy


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