a bit under the weather...

Sorry, I didn't mean to be away so long but I am feeling a bit under the weather....

That first cold of the season is always the worst.

I just might crawl back in bed for a while.

Be back soon, xo Patty


  1. Oh Patty, feel better soon! I had a mild cold, that has turned into a full blown horrendous cold! How I wish I could crawl back into bed. Maybe after I take Noah to school, I will. Boo for us!!!
    : ( Kris

  2. Hope you are on the mend soon! Take care of yourself!

  3. Sure hope you feel better soon. Not fun being sick.

  4. Oh, yuckiness! I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Patty,

    Get well wishes are coming your way! Hope you are feeling better quickly.

  6. Get well soon. Here's to a speedy recovery!


  7. Feel better soon, Patty. Take all the time and get all the rest you need.

  8. So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Yes, crawl back in bed and get well soon. Your fresh flowers are lovely

  9. When you get up drink lots of fluids. Hope you feel better soon. xo, olive

  10. so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. poor thing. rest up & feel better asap!! big hugs. drink some fluids, eat some soup & crackers. read a good book. moan & groan. & i know right away you will feel back to normal. i just know it. (:

  11. Sorry to hear you're sick. Hopefully, this means that you're done for the entire winter season!

  12. Awww I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. There is stomach flu going around our church family at the moment, hope that's not what you have..
    Hope you feel better soon. xo

  13. Feel better soon- There is nothing worse than being sick close to the Holidays! xo Diana

  14. Hope you get better and shake this cold quick. I find the older I get, just a cold will zap me out.
    Rest and we'll see you when all is well.

  15. Oh, I am sending you a steaming mug of tea. You are drinking lots of fluids right? Take care and I hope you are bundled up watching chick flicks and thumbing through holiday magazines. That's about all I can muster when I'm not feeling up to par.

  16. Sending you warm get well wishes for a speedy recovery! Shari

  17. Oh so sorry. Hope it's just a simple cold and that it will go away soon!

  18. Aww. That's so sad. Don't let that wear you down and slow you down from doing stuff.. Praying for your fast recovery.
    kids bean bag

  19. Hello, Patty. I hope you're starting to feel better. Take it easy and don't push yourself.

  20. I see a lot of my friends follow your blog so I came to visit as well, I'm so sorry to hear you have been under the weather, please feel better soon, I will enjoy very much following your beautiful blog!

  21. Get well soon Patty!!

    Wishing you a great thanksgiving.

  22. Patty, I hope you get to feeling better soon and are able to enjoy Thanksgiving! Will be praying for you!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Blessings, Carolyn


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