seeking beauty

I am back home after a short but sweet visit with my mom and sister.  My mom is settling into her new home and environment nicely even though there is still much left to do.  It is so hard to decide what to display and what to leave packed a way.

Sometimes seeking beauty among our possessions is a daunting task.  Every treasure pulled out of a box has it's accompanying memory. 

It is already so easy to think of how my dad would have handled a situation or how he would insist on peace when new strife arises.  His missing presence seems to grow stronger with each passing day, especially with family gathered round.

I went out this morning to find some beauty among the tired garden to share with you.   What was fresh and new just a month ago is now beginning to fade.  

Such is the cycle of life...what seems to occupy every waking thought will begin to be a wonderful memory.  New memories will be formed, not to replace the old, but to remind us to seek beauty in every season of life.

It is so important to remember that new chapters in life are filled with loveliness even amongst the withered leaves.   We can't control what life brings or how others respond or act in any situation but we can continue to seek beauty every day. 

It's out there, if we have eyes willing to seek it out.

Have a wonderful weekend.

xo, Patty


  1. Wonderful words for very complex feelings. My Dad passed away last year and every now and then I catch a whiff of his cigar smoke...and my mom called yesterday to tell me 'his' gerbea daisy has a new bloom.

    As a thought, when I began to downsize the things in my home I took photos of those that were going to be packed away and as time goes by I have begun making a 'memory book' about them...simply because when we look at something we love that is in our home....the story about it plays in our head but no one else can hear it. This way, those items that are packed away can still be enjoyed...and the memories revisited and then if someone unpacks them later...there is the story to tell all over again. Just an idea.

  2. Simply...beautiful.

    As I was sitting here, remembering those I've loved who've passed away, reading this brought tears to my eyes - both of sadness and of in the remembering of the beauty and the love that they and their lives brought into my life while they were here.

    Thank you for this. It's clearly from the heart. - June

  3. Beuatiful post, so well stated. Hugs ~ Mary

  4. So true! Sometimes we don't see the beauty we are surrounded with! Thanks you for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Patty,
    I couldn't agree more, dear friend! Have a blessed weekend!

  6. What a lovely reminder you gave us today. My dad hated any fighting in the family always insisted it stop. We miss his influence terribly. ~ Maureen

  7. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your Mom and sister. I understand your feelings, where you miss your Dad. I still miss my Dad, and always will.
    The new normal.
    Find myself dreaming of our next outing. What shall we do?

  8. What a gift that your dad "would insist on peace when new strife arises".

  9. I have a quote on my blog that goes so well with your thoughts. "Beauty is important in this fragile life." Jan Karon. Today we are reminded how fragile life is with the horror playing out in Colorado too. Have a lovely weekend Patty.

  10. I know how hard it is missing your dad, Patty. Even after all these years I still wonder what he would have said or done. I am glad your Mom is settling in. I'm sure she has many sad/scary/down moments, too. I'll keep her in my prayers- xo Diana

  11. Beautiful. I really like that last picture. It is wonderful to watch the sun in the trees through the day. From the tops to the bottoms and back.

  12. What a lovely post..heartfelt.. enjoy your weekend

  13. So lovely put. Thank you for sharing. My Dad went home 5 years ago, I still miss him so much. Memories are such a comfort,Blessings, Dawn E. Brown

  14. My heart is touched with each post you have about your Mom and the loss of your Dad. I too have been in the same place eight years ago next month. I remember thinking about how life just goes on with everyone around you when your on your way to bury your Dad, How can this be? I sincerely wish the best for your family and especially your Mom. I pray for a speedy healing and that she finds comfort in her new life speedily.
    God Bless

  15. What a marvelous way you have with words and how profound. thank you for sharing. Your stroll through the garden in photos was wonderful, too. Have a lovely day, Connie :)

  16. You have expressed yourself so well. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you without your dad. I just came home today from spending a few days with my best friend who lost her husband in Feb. The grief is still so overwhelming for her, as I'm sure it is for you and your family.

  17. I dread the day when I lose a parent. Even though they've lived full and rich lives, their presence will be so missed.

    It's encouraging to see how others cope in such situations.

  18. Hard to put complex emotion to words, but you did.
    Sending thoughts your way,

  19. This is a beautiful post. I will be reading often :-)

  20. Es sind wunderschöne Fotos...

    Lieben Gruß


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