packing memories


I know I mentioned yesterday that the temps were supposed to reach 104 at my mom's.  I was wrong, it wasn't that was hotter!  The thermostat hit 110 degrees.  Yowser!  That is H.O.T.

Luckily, most of our work was inside cleaning the new house and staging the old house to sell.

My mom and my sister in law had already gone through the master closet with my dads things in it.  It was hard enough for me to look into the tool shed out back, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for them packing up his shirts and baseball hat collection.

Have I mentioned before what a remarkable mom I have...yeah, I thought so.  At 78, she can out work most anyone I know. 

Today the real estate agency will be by to take pictures of the old house for flyers and the internet.  Hopefully, a nice family will buy the house and start their own memories here.

I thought it would be more difficult to pack up and leave than it has been so far but what it's made this blogger realize, even more than before, is that our lives and memories are lived out through relationships not pretty things displayed perfectly.  The important stuff goes with us in our hearts no matter where we call home.

xo, Patty


  1. You are so right!

    I love those curtains!!

  2. Oh, honey. Bless your heart. I know it must be hard. I'm glad you're able to see something positive in it. I'm glad your mom is doing okay, too.

  3. Wow, that is hot! I have to say, you certainly have the right attitude about moving. Although it will take some adjustment, it will all work out.
    I love the combination of fabrics in the red and yellow curtain. So darling. Where did you get that fabric?
    Rest up, and stay cool!!!!

  4. I found is so hard to leave my parent's house. We had all grown up there. I guess I was so attached to it as well as them. I am glad you have help and that your mom is holding up. What a blessing you are to her and I pray it is not too tough for you both.

  5. I think we had similar weeks. The temp was 105, and we decided to move things out of the home preparing to be staged, while we finalize plans for the new home to start. Nothing like a 100 degree plus we to inspire a move!

  6. I hope you mom learns to love her new home. She's fortunate to have family than can help her set it up, although you've clarified that she is a go-getter in her own right! Beautiful curtains, by the way.

  7. I can't at all imagine that being easy for you to do. You're right when you basically said the treasures of the home aren't what is hanging on the walls or even the walls themselves, but are the ones who walk out! I'm continuing to pray for you all. You and your mom sound like precious ladies, and I'm sure you'll be closer than ever.

  8. I imagine that what you are going through is not easy (especially in the heat!!) but keep your eyes looking upwards and trust that you are all exactly where God wants you to be at this time. All the best with the rest of the move. xx

  9. It is hard to let go of a house. My Joe says he will never sell our crumbling old house as he loves it so. He is about to climb onto the roof and be 32 feet high and nail down some tin. It scares me too death that he may fall. That high temperature of yours is very scary. Do take care of yourself. We finally got rain. The flowers are happy today.

  10. Hang on to those memories. The same with photos. That's all that is important. It still is.
    Now that temp. is way toooooo hot. Hope it cools down soon.

  11. Patty,
    I agree; however having those "things" to surround you is like a comforting quilt. The tool shed would be even harder than the shirts and caps...thoughts and prayers coming your way, dear friend!

  12. It's hard to give up your home. But the memories that your mom carries with her will always be there. I hope it will be the beginning of making new memories. You seem to have a good attitude about the move.
    Stay cool!

  13. WOW! That is HOT! I can't imagine doing anything with that heat! Your mom sounds like a very strong person and she will take the memories with her.

  14. After my mother passed away I dreaded the cleaning out and packing, but I found it to be healing in a way. We would happen upon something and someone would begin to tell the story. I am thinking about you. Bonnie

  15. Hi there, Just wanted to send a hello and a hug. We did this for a favorite aunt, and it was very hard to go through. We saved quite a bit of her personal stuff, writings, and photos etc. They're too painful to go through yet, but we did go through some of it when R's mom was here. It was sad, but healing at the same time. Take care.

  16. Oh Patty, my heart goes out to you. What a difficult job. I do hope that a wonderful family will buy it and that will settle your heart. I don't think you ever forget but I believe the more you talk about and tell the younger generation the more those loved ones live on. Joan

  17. Yes, memories are all you really need. Best of luck on everything.

  18. God bless the packing...sounds like He is!
    Beautiful pictures and colors, Patty. I think the curtains are a delight.

  19. Oh- I have been there, Patty. And you know, at some point down the road the sadness will hit you a bit at a time. While you are in the midst of it there is not much time to mourn what is "going". You are right- the joy is in the memories and not in the things- xo Diana

  20. It's true! Pretty things are fun but they don't make our moments anymore joyful, people do!
    Some of the warmest places to visit are simple and practical looking but happy feeling.

  21. Oh Patty, in catching up on your blog, I think I missed that your father has recently passed to be with Jesus. I am sorry. I know it has to be a huge void in your life and especially your dear momma's life. I know today had to have been difficult! It is hard 2 pack up a childhood home and put it on the market, but to ALSO pack up the precious belongings of a loved one that is over the top tough on your heart and emotions! May God bless and fortify each of you courage and strength for today and the days ahead.

    God Bless,
    XOXO Carolyn

  22. I marvel that the older I get the less important "stuff" becomes.
    Cherish those memories.

  23. Beautiful photos! So nice that you are all there to help your mom move on to the next phase of her life. 110!

  24. Wonderful sentiment, Patty..I too, have found that to be true...Best wishes to your Mom in her new home..110 !! I thought 104 the other day was bad..that was in the shade..I've been so confined by the heat for the past 10 days that Mollie and I spent 5 hrs outside last evening...Happy moving..

  25. We are going to be doing the exact same thing with our Mom... the memories are in our hearts. ox

  26. Boy can I testify to that.
    Glad you are all doing this together and have each other for support. Blessing to your Mom and all your family. It's good she has a new place to love.


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