good morning...

I was going to say good Monday morning but then I remembered that good and Monday don't necessarily go together all the time.  It is going to be extremely warm here on the west coast this week as the low pressure system that the rest of the country has been experiencing has finally made it's way here.

I thought I would share pictures of the garden before the heat wave swallows it up and it becomes but a distant memory until September.

I don't know about you but July and August are my least favorite in the garden.  Other than watering and an occasional spell of early morning weeding, I tend to avoid it out there entirely.

Thank you again for all the well wishes for our returning soldier.  He was genuinely touched by your comments.

I had such a nice time in San Diego welcoming the 200+ members of the USS Sterrett back to American soil last Thursday.  I will be sharing the photos and stories later this week.  I have to tell you that I wasn't quite prepared for the emotions the whole experience brought forward in me.

Okay, enough chit chat...

The random winner of the book give away was Carolyn from Cottage Sunshine.  Congratulations.  Email me your address and I will get these out to you.  I pray they touch your life as much as they have mine.

Enjoy your day and try to stay cool.  I will be helping my mom move into her new home in Hemet, California where the high is expected to be 104 degrees.  Sounds perfect, huh?  Oh well, her new place is beautiful, just a few miles from her old one and in a gated community, so it is well worth it.

Talk to you soon,

xo, Patty


  1. Yes, the heat will sizzle and my garden will too. I am not looking forward to that!
    Good luck with the move, and drink lots of water.
    We are home now. Would love to have swim day!!

  2. I have not pulled a weed in weeks. I have watered the flower garden or all would perish. We are losing shrubs and will then lose trees next if we do not get rain soon. Joe's brother was in Vietnam and he tells me of writing to him daily and of his home coming. I wish his brother had saved the letters.

  3. Congratulations Carolyn...Yuk..104 and moving??? It was 104 here on Sat and I didn't move out of the house except to walk Mollie and that was very quick..Looking forward to your welcome home pics...Yes, anything involving military and ceremonies makes me emotional...

  4. It is oppressive when the weather gets too hot, I agree! It's raining here in Denver and we are all so grateful!
    I'm off to ride along for the VBS run so Millie can stay dry in the car!
    Turn up the AC and watch a good movie. Hot chocolate sounds good!

  5. Stay cool!!! My gardens are looking rough from all of this heat. We finally got a decent rain this morning and it's a bit cooler. : )

  6. Congrats to Carolyn before I forget!

    I am so glad the Welcome Home went well. God bless all those coming home.

    Your gardens are lovely- We only really HAVE two months of good gardening here in the Midwest- July and August. June just gets us started in in Sept. things start dying down. Crazy, huh? xo Diana

  7. Patty,
    Your gardens are still lovely, dear friend! Trying to sweep the porch this morning, I encounter a wasp nest. When I went to remove was stuck fast. I got the hose down to soften it..."Mr. Ed" has been doing the out~of~doors watering...and I ended up with a MUD bath. Next time I'll remember to check the setting!!!Have a great week...your MoM truly needs your help and your support at this time of moving to a new home and a new life without your Father. Special thoughts and prayers coming your way!

  8. We are finally having some cool the 80's. We got to 102 degrees with 110 heat index a few days, so 80 seems cool right now! Enjoy your day with your Mom!

  9. Oh, I know what you mean. My gardens are so totally on their last legs!! Most everything has succumbed to the heat and what I could move has been placed under the oak trees. I'll have cabin fever by the time September gets here!!

  10. Good morning Patti, Our heat and humidity in MN as subsided somewhat so I was out in my garden pulling weeks. I haven't done that in weeks. We really need rain here.
    Happy to hear your soldier has returned safely. Everyone I know that has attended those home comings tell me that it is very emotional.
    Stay cool!

  11. Yesterday afternoon's scattered thunderstorms brought in much cooler temperatures and low humidity after 2 weeks of 100+ degrees every day!!! I hope it doesn't stay that long for you guys! Today's high of 85 degrees feels like a dream!! Now maybe my flowers and grass will get relief. Have a wonderful day:))

  12. Wow my garden needs some sunshine, we've been saturated with rain, wanna swap :)
    Lots of love Karen x

  13. I wander if good and Monday could be considered an oxymoron? I'm with you on July and hot but I do still love Summer.
    Have a good (Mon) day.

  14. I hear ya on the July/August gardening survival issue. I am envious of your zinnias though. I had those in Texas but here in Illinois they just get mildew and croak. Overall the growing season here is USUALLY milder than Texas, but not this year. HOT!
    Glad you were there to get to welcome home your loved one.

  15. Not much gardening for me in this heat either...just watering! Glad the homecoming went well...those can be very emotional...stay cool!!

  16. No matter the month...your flowers are lovely!

    Gad your son-in-law Is home!


  17. There has been a bit of a break in the heat here so I was able to do a little pruning yesterday. I find a very hot day can sap my energy. Your garden is looking beautiful, Patty.

  18. Oh I always love your garden pictures, last year and this takes me to dream world

  19. Hi Patty!

    I have chosen you to pass on this award! Come see!

  20. Oh my GOODNESS!!! *SCREAM* *SHRIEK* Patty, I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!! Honestly, NO KIDDING, I just now jumped in my chair sitting here at work!! I didn't have time yesterday to check my favorite blogs as my boss is on vacation & I'm left to run things...but I am glad today is a slower day and I checked on your blog for your usual words and pics of encouragement and beauty!! Patty, I will send you my email address! Thank you SO MUCH!

    LOVE, Carolyn


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