picking daisies

As I sit here with my morning coffee wondering (and fretting)  about the activities of this week and the weeks to come, I am reminded again to slow down my thinking and my planning and to just enjoy today.

It seems even when life is good, as my mom says, I look for trouble to borrow.

Not today...I think I'll just count my blessings and pick a few daisies...

They weather has cooled, the sun is shining and the week is full of promise.  What about you?  Are you a trouble borrower?  Or a blessing counter?

xo, Patty


  1. What a wonderful post Patty!! what inspiring words!! I am some of both- I tend to worry about the future but then still try to find the good in things.

    Hope you are doing well Patty!! Sorry I haven't visited in a while :)

  2. I'm usually a little of both so thanks for the gentle & lovely reminder to "count my blessings". May your week be filled blessings too :-)

  3. I more of a trouble borrower, always waiting for the other shoe to walk. I am really working on realizing that Isomethings I cant control, only offer it up in prayer. Believe me it helps!

  4. Love daisies! They were my wedding flower!! I guess I am a bit of both. My husband calls me "Stew." He says I worry WAY too much. But sometimes I think it is a Mama thing. I don't know. But I am a worrier.
    : ) Kris

  5. As Kris above I am a bit of both. I over think blessing and trouble. Happy Monday:0

  6. Hi Patty! I do a little of both!! Love the daisy photo and I ADORE your new craft space!! Hope your week is all you want it to be :)

  7. Thank You Patty for the reminder to slow down and enjoy the day! I was just stressing about everything on my list for this week. I love the photo of the daisies and love your coffee mug too. Time for another cup of coffee I think. :D
    Enjoy your day and our cooler weather.

  8. You are so lucky to have cooler weather. Wish it would blow our way:) Your daisy's are beautiful, there one of my favorite flowers. I am so lucky I am not a worrier.

  9. Your little bee mug is awfully cute.
    I'm a mixture of both as well, just like most everyone else commenting. I hope your week goes well. Take care.

  10. Just being a mom will make you a worrier. But I do try to count my blessings. I pray plenty:):) We are suppose to let God carry our burdens...but sometimes I forget and think I need to do it. You made yourself a cute flower vase, to have a nice drink beside. Smiles, Susie

  11. Oh I am most definitely a trouble borrower but I have been making great strides in the counting my blessings department...it helps to make sure I read my bible every single morning...keeps me on the right track ;)

  12. well I try to be more of one than the other but trouble borrowing does happen, thank goodness not often,

  13. Hi Patty!

    I LOVE your cute little bumble bee mug...looks adorable with the freshly picked daisies in the old canning jar! Daisies were my favorite flowers when I was a newlywed umpteen years ago and I decorated my whole house with them as they are so fresh and compliments all decorating schemes! :)

    I am unfortunately both...trying hard to stop worrying and learning to give it all to HIM! Sounds like you are having a WONDERFUL day! :D

    XOXO Carolyn

  14. Patty,
    I'm definitely a blessing counter! Love your daisies! That bee mug would fit in perfectly with my table decor at the present! Have a great week, dear friend. Count your blessings name them one by one. . .when I count my blessings...I count you twice!!!

  15. I am a worrier like my mother. I wish it weren't so but I have accepted this. I try to put it out of my mind when I can and just do other things.

  16. Unfortunately..I'm a trouble borrower..I guess somebody has to do it!! Love your Bee mug. I wish I could have flowers in my house..Max always finds them..Usually before I get them in a vase...The fireplace mantel is the only safe place...Have a wonderful week..

  17. I tend to be a worrier too. Your mother's advice is so good. Your daisies are beautiful!

  18. Great post! I try to count my blessings every day, but some days I just get caught up in the worry...but it doesn't last long!!Have a wonderful afternoon!!

  19. I have been fretting lately about deadlines. I think I will enjoy the ride of creating . come see me Pat

  20. I'm a recovering trouble borrower! I'm working on letting things run their course. It gets easier as you get older because you know nothing lasts forever and you'll come out okay on the other side of the trouble. ~ Maureen

  21. Have rather enough of worries of my own these days I`m afraid, but that makes picking daisies even more important I think,lots of daisies :)have a great day, Pam

  22. Im both! I am a worrier but i feel truly blessed too! Pretty flowers always cheer me up and make me smile. Also i adore the mug you have there too, its just lovely!

    Jerra x


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