renewal in spring

I find such a sense of renewal in spring.  Everything just seems to be alive with possibility.  The gloom and gray of winter gives way to the riot of color that is spring.

The first flush of roses are blooming in the backyard perennial border.  They are always my earliest arrivals and a sure sign that spring has arrived.

I have decided to take the rest of the week off from blogging, facebook and instagram to prepare for Easter Sunday.  Not the food, the dishes and the centerpieces but the inner most part of my heart.  I feel the need to let the sacrifice made on our behalf reside in my very marrow as we lead up to Resurrection Day.

I hope you all have the most blessed of Easters and I will see you on Monday.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty,
    I saw your beautiful roses and had to come over and take a closer look. The color is very unique and pretty. You know how much I love roses. Is that statue of a fairy or an angel? It's lovely.

    Happy Easter, and I hope you and your family have a blessed day.

    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  2. Patty,your roses are just so beautiful!! Have a great Easter...

  3. I so need to get going and prune my roses. But the doctor put my leg in a cast today. So will be inside for 3 weeks.

  4. I knew there had to be Spring somewhere...Lovely roses. Have a blessed Easter.

  5. Your roses are beautiful already. We're not there yet.

    Have a very blessed Easter dear friend.


  6. Your roses are beautiful. God bless you for taking special time off for Good Friday and Easter. Be blessed. Pamela

  7. Patty- A big Easter blessing to you- Your heart and mind are in the right place leading up to this Sunday- xo Diana

  8. Beautiful roses Patty. Have a wonderful Easter. See you Monday.
    xo Kris

  9. I love spring..and renewal..and the cross...Happy Easter...may you see His face through your time with Him

  10. Hello.
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    From Japan.
    Ryoma Sakamoto.

  11. I really enjoy your pictures of your garden. The weather here is gray and dreary. Have a wonderful, blessed Easter.

  12. What beautiful flowers! Wishing you a joyous and blessed Easter.

  13. I hope you have had a lovely time of reflection and a wonderful Easter!! ~Angela~


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