living a beautiful life

My life is settling into a nice rhythm again with my time being spent caring for my family, nesting in the cottage, puttering around the garden and creating beautiful things in my studio.

It is easy to forget how quickly life can be turned upside down and the familiar can seem but a distant memory.  I have to remind myself to be thankful for the routineness of my life, the absence of major strife at this moment.

It's been nearly a year since my dad passed away and it has been over a year since other unforeseen events beyond my control threatened to steal my joy away.  The memories are there to be conjured up in my mind when I allow myself to go that way, but they are not at the forefront ever threatening to consume my days anymore.

Right now, at this moment, I am thankful for this life I am living.  Purposeful in creating beauty and highlighting joy in the everyday.  Focusing on what I have been given and not dwelling on what has been taken away or may be taken from me in the future.

I am hard wired to worry so not going down that path takes intention.  Luckily, I have an optimists heart and have no problem spotting beauty even in the rubble...and there is, you in the rubble...hope even in the storm...

"Today is the perfect day to start living your dreams." (author unknown)

Sometimes all it takes is one intentional step toward a dream and before you know it you are one step closer to making it a reality.  Be encouraged, the goal is not perfection, only beautiful moments that add up to a beautiful life.

xo, Patty

I am linking up with The Girl Inspired...


  1. Beautiful words! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Love the journal and the words in your post. I know that you had a rough year. Sometimes all you have is hope. It can be so hard to move forward but so glad that you did.

  3. Patty, I love that phrase "beauty in the rubble..." I know that to be true as well. xoxo, olive

  4. Patty, I can relate to your quote about being hard wired to worry, yet having an optimists heart. I think that I've always considered myself more a worrier. I need to appreciate the impact of having an optimistic side as well.
    I found you and your blog in Kelly Rae's Possibilitarian post. I like your vibrant colors and your layout is very sharp. I look forward to exploring more of it in the future.

    1. It is nice to meet you Val. I find so much inspiration through Kelly Rae and other artists like her. It is so hard not to default to the worry mode but I am getting better with age. Thank you for the sweet comments about my blog. Patty

  5. Amen, Patty. I have had a rough few months myself so I truly understand. We can get through this together- xo Diana

  6. I can relate, Patty. I'm thankful for this moment in time.

  7. Hi Patty....I like your spirit of optimism, despite life's setbacks. I absolutely adore Norman Vincent Peale's book, "The Power of Positive Thinking." Whenever I"m down in the dumps, all I have to do is grab that book from off the shelf and read a few chapters. BAM! I'm all better again. Susan

    1. I haven't read Norman Vincent Peale in such a long time but I will have to pull it off the shelf again. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Patty

  8. Patty,
    Sometimes we need to be reminded to remain focused on what lies ahead!!!
    Thank you for this post, today!!! Very inspiring!!!
    P.S. Thank you for your encouragement...check out my post ...Books! :)

  9. This is so pretty and so very inspirational :)
    Now I'm going to go find my journal and make some art :)
    Thanks for the little push I needed.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  10. You are so talented with your art! You seem to be evolving and blooming where you are planted.

  11. We just don't realize how lucky we really are. And so many of us make our lives so much worse by worrying about every little thing. Course, as Mothers, we are going to worry but it's just not letting it take over our joy.

    Pretty post.


  12. What a wonderful post! I absolutely adore the art too. Such a great reminder for us all - thank you.

  13. What an absolutely beautiful post.. Your words are full of truth.. Very thought provoking... I Loved this.. Thank you for sharing your thoughts..

  14. I am so happy to read this tonight! I love your newest piece of art!!!!
    xo Kris

  15. How lovely! Love your hopeful spirit! I just lost my Dad last June. It's difficult. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

    1. Losing a parent is one of the most difficult things to go through. Even though my dad was ill, I was still not prepared for a life without him. It would be selfish to want him back but I do miss him every single day. Time helps. Thank you for your kind words and I am sorry for your loss. Patty

  16. Lovely post! Your canvas is gorgeous... each lovely detail! Thanks for blessing my day.

  17. Hi Patty :) You are one of my favorite heart connections and I love reading your blog. I want to revive my blog one day soon and hope I can reach someone one day like you have me. I just wanted you to know that even if you think no one cares what you blog or no one benefits from it, just know that they do. Your beautiful, sweet spirit comes through and ministers to otherse~ Angela (Lynne)

    1. Thanks Angela. Your encouragement is really appreciated. You know as bloggers we sometimes wonder if we are resonating with others and comments like yours let us know that we are. Let me know when you post again, I would love to come by and say Hi. Patty

  18. I relate to the post soooooooooooooooo much...and the art just makes me smile, it reminds me that this too will pass
    Great job...great post...what encouragement it gave to me tonight

  19. Beautiful art and beautiful words - thanks for sharing this, Patty!

  20. Patty, the colors on your blog make me smile. I really would love to do more with my blog design. I know there are 'free' blog backgrounds and have used them in the past and don't want to really do that again.
    Some days I don't know what to post or how much to share. Does that make sense?

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Miriam. Blogging is such a personal thing. What to write about, what your blog should look like, it should reflect you and your true life or the life you dream of living. (Mine is a mixture of both.) I have never used a blog designer and have just tweaked it as I go. I am mostly happy with it right now but who knows how long that will last. I totally get trying to find the balance in how much and what to share. I never want to embarass anyone and use that as my guide. Hope this helps. Patty

    2. Patty, thank you for replying. This is what I like about your blog...I feel like I get the real you here. This is my heart's desire is to make mine an inviting place to share simple life and dreams of what path the Lord has me on.
      Thank you again. Miriam


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