thoughts on a monday morning


Good morning sweet friends.  Oh, how I 've missed you.  It always amazes me how much a part of my everyday life this little blog and the connection to you have become.  It doesn't seem possible that we have been meeting here through these posts for two years now! 

I enjoyed my time of reflection and have come away the richer for it.  I am sure I struggle with the same things most of you do.  It seems every season of our life presents us with its on set of worries and self doubt, wondering where we fit in and what our purpose is.

Even if you don't camp out there for long, as women (and especially women of the 21st century with all of it's access to social media) we can't help but wonder every now and again, if the grass is really greener in her backyard?  Am I making a contribution here?  Should my blog, (or my life if you don't have a blog) be deeper or different in some way so that I make a greater impact?

For me, time in reflection and gratitude for what I do have...for what I have (and not have not) been blessed with, brings me back to center.  Reflecting on who I am in the eyes of my heavenly Father stops me from seeking to be something in the eyes of mankind (or womankind).  Focusing on the talents that have been given to me and not trying to measure up to someone with different gifts and the impact they are having, keeps me moving forward in the race.

I have been a follower of Beth Moore's living proof blog for quite some time.  I don't have time to visit as often as I'd like but last week I found this post and new I just had to share it with you all.

"In the wonderful (and I really do mean wonderful) world of blogs and Twitter-follows, a pile-up can happen with the potential to profoundly hinder the Gospel. We can find ourselves suddenly feeling panicked, or confused, or left out, or just plain lame because our follow-ship of Christ doesn’t look like someone else’s that we admire...
Here’s what I want to throw at you to consider. This is what I felt God placed upon my heart as I wrestled with this last night...
What do you look like when you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength?
Because THAT person, Girlfriend, is who He’s looking for in you...
So, let me ask you this: when you are teeming with love for the Lord your God, who are you right then? What is your passion? What is it that you are bursting to do? That’s probably the stream of your calling...
Who would you be if you loved Jesus with your whole heart, soul, mind and strength?
That’s what you’re meant to look like.
Let THAT person follow Him, and He, Child, will make you a fisher of men." Beth Moore

Here is the link to the whole post.  I encourage you to go read it in it's entirety, you will be blessed and encouraged.

I didn't mean for this to turn into such a long post.  It was put on my heart to share it with someone out there even it may turn off others and I want to be obedient when that still small voice inside me calls.

See what happens when I don't post for a few days?  It all bottles up inside me and comes tumbling out!  I hope you all had a beautiful and meaningful Easter Sunday.

xo, Patty


  1. Hi Patty, I enjoyed reading your post . . . we do have to remember that when we are in Him, we are just where we need to be. The grass is not greener in someone else's yard, it is just perfect in the place where we are, when we are found in Him. Bloom where you are panted, they say :)
    My Steve and I are celebrating our 37th wedding anniversary. Help us celebrate by entering our $25 gift card give-a-way :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie

  2. Let it tumble, Patty! It was beautiful and an awesome post! :) Hope you a blessed Easter!!

    xoxo Carolyn

  3. Hope you had a nice little break Patty. I am off to read your suggested post now.

  4. Sometimes when I see the posts like yours I wonder if I'm ready to hear what you and God are saying to me. I take little bits and pieces sometimes and let them wash over my heart and mind to see how they feel. I've always believed in God and tried to be a good person, have a very sharp conscience. Sometimes I've failed. But I keep reading and little by little I think more of what you and other bloggers are telling me about God's word is sinking in. Guess I'm a hard sell huh? Not really but I have to feel very strongly in my own heart and mind that I believe.
    Good for you taking a break from blogging for awhile. You have to be true to yourself and your family.

  5. I think we all, as women, have those times of deep self assessment and doubt...wondering who we are sometimes, what our plan is...our purpose....I feel inadequate sometimes and other times feel that I have been over-abundantly blessed. I have been doing a lot of self-reflecting (I think my brother's sudden passing spurred it on somewhat) and I know that my life is changing in a ways that I didn't think it would. I am making some strides that I wouldn't have done in the past-taking some chances to move forward where I think God wants me to go. Great post here- xo Diana

  6. Thank you, I needed this today!!!

  7. Patty,
    Gorgeous photos of Spring and gardening!
    The Master Gardener has been speaking to your heart and mind again, dear friend!!!
    I am continually blessed when you share His message with us!!!


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