only a tease of spring


The weather has turned cold and gray once again and it seems our tease of spring has gone away.  The forecast calls for an upturn in the temperature by the end of the week so I will just hunker down inside and enjoy the last bits of winter snuggled under a quilt with another cup of coffee.

For those of you wondering, I did find my planner in a place I would have never looked had I not been trying to find something else.  Isn't that always the way...things turn up when you stop looking for them.

I loved reading your comments over the weekend, I would have gladly hopped in the car with any one of you and been giddy over our day together.

I especially loved Sally's comment from Drinking From My Saucer (if you have never visited her before head over, you are in for a treat) because I think she summed it up beautifully when she said,

"...I would go straight to Anthropologie...And, assuming this is a guilt-free $100, I would spend to my heart's content on all the little things of beauty that I found... COLORful things of beauty!"

Isn't that what a day to recharge is about anyway, discovering little things of beauty that make us feel alive and treasured?  And then to top it off her hubby surprised her that very night with a bit of spending money and a trip to Anthropologie on Saturday!  You see, wishes do come true.

Thank you all for the measuring cup love.  I knew when I saw them that they would be perfect in my glass flour and sugar jars but wasn't sure I should spend so much money on such a frivolous thing and actually put them back. I went into another store and turned right around and marched back into Pier 1 and bought them.  I am so glad I did.

It seems shopping for our home is something we agree on, as it was the number one destination for our day followed by thrifting or antiquing, the craft store for fabric or yarn, the garden center and of course, our favorite restaurant.  So many wonderful destinations, so little time!

As much as I am enjoying these Friday surveys and plan on continuing them, there is a point to them as well but you will have to wait a while longer before I tell you what it is. 

I will leave you with that little tease of my own...

Have a wonderful Monday.

xo, Patty


  1. Now what are you up to? I can't wait to find out... I'll play along!

  2. What a fun post- I am off to meet Sally and you are such a tease making us wait to see what is up! xo Diana

  3. I can't wait! Sally's comment was so cute. I'm glad her hubby caught on!


  4. Patty,
    YOU are such a tease. . .
    . . .and you know WE love every minute of it, dear friend!!!
    Warmer here today, BUT S N O W is forecasted for the weekend!!!
    Mother Nature isn't finished with us yet, I fear!!!
    Have a marvelous glad you found the planner!!!

  5. We are still in warm mode here, but rain and cooler weather predicted for the next few days. I'm glad you found your planner. I don't really have oone, just a little notebook to keep my lists in. I know what you mean. I get a little overwhelmed, but making lists puts thing in perspective so I can handle them one at a time.
    I really do love your little cups. I have old metal ones in my flower and suger...I may have to stop in at Pier 1. We don't have an Antropologie close, so I can't get into trouble there. Your garden has inspired me (I think you inspire me every year at this time). Will be back to check to see what you have up your sleeve. The day you described sounded perfect.


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