Shout Out Saturday - flower gardening blogs


Can you tell I have had gardening on my mind lately?  I'm sure it's the gorgeous spring weather and the way everything in the garden is coming to life right now.  It seemed only natural that this weeks SOS feature would be my four favorite gardening blogs.  I have many more than four but I purposely limited myself to that many or this post might get a bit long.

Here we go, in no particular order...

Fishtail Cottage was one of the first gardening blogs I found and her garden just gets better every
year.  Tracie gardens in the Pacific Northwest and is more than generous in her desire to share her knowledge.  Pour a fresh cup of coffee and give yourself plenty of time to browse her archives and be prepared to be inspired.  And btw, her photography is stunning.

Kim from Happy@Home has the most beautiful gardens.  She lives in the southeastern U.S. and her yard is filled with the most gorgeous roses and perennials.  If you are from that region she is a wealth of knowledge and really knows her stuff.  If you just like looking at pretty flowers (and who doesn't) you will love your visit with her as well.

If you are a visual person like me then I know you will love Flea Market Gardening.  Since it is a group of gardeners contributing on a regular basis, there is always something for everyone.  The inspiration they share is like browsing in your favorite candy store.  There is always something to love.  I guarantee you will get lost in the beauty of the garden tours.  Truly a wonderful site to visit.

flea market gardening

Erin over at The Impatient Gardener is a new to me blog but I just can't get enough of her practical advice.  She is a midwest gardener so that means in the winter she has plenty of time for DIY projects.  Go over and give her a look and let me know what you think.

the impatient gardener

I loved putting this post together.  It really inspired me to get out in my garden and do a little weeding and planting and dreaming...always dreaming.  So what do you think?  Are any of these your favorites, too?  If not, I'd love to hear yours.

Don't forget to take a look at what Stacey at Poofing the Pillows is sharing today.

Happy weekending and happy gardening.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, I used to visit two of these blogs and had lost contact. Thank you for posting their names . Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. I am sooooooo ready for warm weather, Patti! It is so cold in Illinois. The weather is suppose to break this week. Yippee!

  3. I am sooooooo ready for warm weather, Patti! It is so cold in Illinois. The weather is suppose to break this week. Yippee!

  4. So beautiful! It was 27 in east-central Illinois this morning!

  5. I'm so glad you shared these, Patty. I didn't know about Flea Market Gardening and The Impatient Gardener. On my way there.

    Kim and Tracie both always amaze me. :)

  6. Thank you so much for featuring me (Fishtail Cottage)! look forward to meeting more gardening friends! xoxo, tracie

  7. Thank you for the shout out, Patty. I regularly visit Flea Market Gardening, but will happily head on over to the others for a visit. Happy Gardening!


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