Shout out Saturday - Conversational blogs

The rain is gone and the sun is shining in these parts, I hope it is where you are as well.  It's Saturday and time for one more Shout Out Saturday post this time featuring conversational blogs.  Conversational blogs are the ones that make you feel like you are sitting across the table from the writer sharing a cup of something hot and enjoying each others company.  I love those kind of blogs, don't you?

My first share is Shannan from Flower Patch Farmgirl.  I have been reading Shannan's blog for as
long as I've been reading blogs.   She has the rare ability to inspire you to be a better person without making you feel guilty for the slacker you've been.  Does that make sense?  If you don't know her I know you're going to love her.


Next up is Edie from Life In Grace.  She is another one who really knows how to make you look at life a little more closely.  Not only is she an awesome homemaker but she is smart as a whip and has a witty way with words.  Both traits that make for great conversation.



Debbie at A Million Skies  is just as sweet as they come.  She has been such an encouragement to me when I needed it.  Her blog is a mixture of home, wise counsel and faith.  I love visiting her place and know I'll always come away encouraged.


And lastly today is Emily from Emily P. Freeman.  Emily is a well know author but her humble demeanor and encouraging words make her feel like your neighbor, like you really know her.  She and I are a lot alike and maybe that's why her words resonate with me so much.  I feel like she is talking directly to me.  I think you'll feel the same way.

Let Your Life Speak
Emily P. Freeman

Well that's it for this SOS.  We have a quiet weekend planned around her.  A little housework catch up, maybe a dinner out and finally learning how to work with my new birthday gift...a MAC computer.  I've only worked on Microsoft Windows before so pray that I'm not too old to figure it all out.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I'll talk to you on Monday.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, I will visit with these bloggers. I wish you all the good luck with your new computer. :) Have a fun weekend, xoxo, Susie

  2. Patty,
    What a great surprise! Thank you for that sweet introduction :) You inspire me daily.

    About your new computer - you will love it! It's definitely different than Windows, but MACs have some really cool features.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm not familiar with any of these bloggers - I will be giving them a visit! Ooh, a new computer for your birthday, how nice! I've never worked on a Mac either. I don't even have an iPhone. I've been a Windows and Android fan for a long time.

  4. Thank you for the list! I already read and enjoy The Flower Patch Farmgirl and sweet wonderful Debbie at A Million Skies so now I can't wait to read the other suggestions!


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