fashion at 50 Monday

My husband and I decided to grab some Mexican food at a local restaurant yesterday.  We don't go out to eat often so it was fun getting fixed up just for him for a change.

He has noticed a change in my wardrobe for church and things I do with friends, so I think he thought it was nice that I put some thought into what I wore to go out with him. I must confess that the days I stay home I still reach for elastic capris pants and T-shirts.  One step at a time, is all I can say, one step at a time.

This was the first time he caught sight of me taking pictures of myself and you should have seen the look on his face when I told him what it was for...suffice it to say, he walked away scratching his head and wondering if I totally lost my mind.

My grandson was totally on board with the whole thing and even managed to sneak into a few pictures.

I am heading upstairs today to do a little work on my guest room/dressing room which found itself on the back burner while my life was in overdrive.  It is a hot mess and I am really wondering where to even start.  Don't you hate it when you let things get to that point?

Better get off this computer and get to work.  Hope your Monday is a happy one.

xo, Patty

jeans - kohls
top - North Style
tank - Walmart
Shoes - clearance Target
Necklace - Cookie Lee
Earrings - not sure

I'm joining the Pleated Poppy for WIWW and Get Your Pretty On...


  1. You are beautiful. Inside and out. I love the outfit too.


  2. ALL of your outfits have been cute, but I especially LOVE this blue top! =) Sounds like you & I have the same "uniform" when staying at home! ;D

  3. Love, love, love that blue top! You look cute!

    Also, lovin' your little guest room peek.

  4. You look wonderful and a perfect outfit for date night with the hubby! My husband takes a lot of my blog photos, but he still just doesn't get the fact that I take outfit pictures daily, ha ha! Love the expression on your grandson's face :)

  5. I don't know how I missed this post before, but I love this outfit, and the shoes... love!


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