circling the wagons...


I have been in a re-prioritizing mood lately and have been trying to whittle down my extra activities so that I can spend more time at home caring for the people I've been blessed to serve. 

Trying to decide what to give my time and energy to has actually been easier than I thought.

I think I've known for a while that I was over committed so scaling back has provided me such relief .  My family knows that when I have too much on my plate it can make for one grouchy wife/momma/grandma/daughter/friend. 

That doesn't mean that I won't miss some of the things I'm giving up, like teaching at my local craft store, but for now, that creativity is better served at home.  By letting go I have more energy to spend on feathering my nest, cooking healthier foods and writing, which I have dearly missed.

My renewed mind has provided me with plenty of words and ideas to share with you and to spend some time rekindling online friendships that I have been neglecting as well as in the flesh relationships that haven't gotten all of me for a while.

Do you ever feel the need to circle the wagons and regroup, too?  I know I can't be alone in this...

Happy Wednesday.

xo, Patty  


  1. Good Morning Patty. Maybe it is our age and season of life...I am in the same boat. Right now my time is spent primarily caring for both sets of our parents. I don't mind it at all. Sometimes it gets crazy but I mostly consider it an honor and blessing to be able to do this. I do miss some of the outside stimulation that came from working and volunteering but this is where we are supposed to be now. I am totally glad that I'm not trying to juggle a full time job and do all the running that is required right now.

  2. I'm feeling the need to slow down a bit. I need to tend to my nest and get some much needed projects completed. Maybe it is the time of the year with our weather change and the dark evenings. Well it's one more weekend of running and I'm home! Home Sweet Home, ahhhhh!

  3. Oh, Patty ... yes, yes, and yes. I think we've all been there at various times, and we can even get our plates too full trying to be all and do all for family. It's a fine balancing act we have to learn, to paraphrase a favorite author, Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Ultimately, though, our home is our first and most important place of ministry.

  4. Oh no Patty, you are not alone! I have been doing just that for the last 6 months. I have had to miss many things lately, as you well know. Or rather, I chose to miss these things, because my presence was needed here at home. I have had to reorganize and change much of what I am used to doing. When I over book myself, I really get agitated and feel the need to clear my schedule and circle the wagons, so to speak.
    However, I have missed out on some fun things, and I hope that I can join in soon.

  5. Oh your not alone. I started to read again and then I needed to start responding mailing to my oldest granddaughter out of

    town. My other Grandsons and my other Grandaughter. I like to take time to drop a note by mail to them in the winter time.

    To keep connected not just by phone but the old fashion way my Mom used t do to me. They do enjoy it.

    So easy to get all into everything. So I did plan this will take place once the nights are darker in Canada and it gets winter.

    Then have time on my hands for doing for me. What I mentioned.

  6. Good for you Patty! I really feel the need to circle the wagons and regroup too, but I haven't figured out yet what I can give up.
    Love the chalkboard and the flower arrangement.

  7. All the time! Balance is one of those things that seems forever elusive to me. My devotions this morning were about this subject, and I think we often feel that we have to be busy all the time or we are wasting time or being lazy (or is that just me?) I'm glad you were able to pare things down to a managable level :>)

  8. Oh yes, regrouping is very necessary to my daily life! Love your vignette with the chalkboard and owl. xo

  9. Absolutely! I get spread pretty thin sometimes and it seems relationships suffer. Good for you for saying no

  10. Where did you get that owl ?? Adorable!!!

  11. Funny you mention this :) I opened an Etsy shop a few months ago, and I closed it last night. Everything involved in having a successful shop was more than I had anticipated: marketing, styling, photographing, sewing, packaging, post office visits - all while homeschooling my two teens. It took all the joy out of my sewing, so I shut it down. Such relief!



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