frittering away in the garden

I wish you could take a walk with me through the garden,  everything is exploding with color and bloom.  Maybe you might understand why I keep disappearing for days at a time.  This time of year is my absolute favorite and what starts out as a simple watering turns into several hours of pruning and planting and weeding and before you know it I have frittered an entire day away.

I think if you could see it all you would be mesmerized, too.  I rushed out early one morning last week to snap a few pictures to share with you but they just don't do it justice.  I wish I had a decent wide angled lens to try and capture it better for you.

Please tell me you fritter, too.  It may not be in the garden but something you do gets you so caught up that you can be a tad bit (okay, maybe more than a tad) obsessive with it.

I seem to be that way with whatever I do.  It must be a personality disorder or something. 

It is my week to host ladies night this Friday and I want everything to be extra special, so you will probably be seeing more pictures of the garden than you care to.  I will try and include a few other sneak peaks around the house, too.

Tomorrow I will be posting my much postponed give away and let me just tell you that it may or may not include a set of adorable measuring cups....

Thanks for being patient with me.

xo, Patty


  1. SO PRETTY! We are so far from that yet! I bet your ladies will love seeing your garden.

  2. My daffodils are coming along, two blooms thus far. Spring is tiptoeing into my area. Your flowers are gorgeous, Patty. No wonder you enjoy frittering in the garden.

  3. Beautiful! I have my first daylily blooms here today. :)

  4. My forget me nots have just opened - not the grandest of flowers but so beautifully blue. If you are going to be obsessive about anything let it be your garden - not a bad way to lose yourself! Jane x

  5. Patty,
    Believe me when I say, "I understand"!!!
    Although it's usually NOT the Garden for CAN be numerous other things!
    EnJOY this special time, dear friend!!!
    This is ONE of the many reasons YOU and I are NO longer employed!
    Savor the Season and enJOY the moments!

  6. I fritter away time .....all the time. I get wrapped up in the simplest tasks. Especially in the garden. I weed my moss. And that means I have to hold the moss down with fingers of my left hand while gently tugging the weed with fingers of my right hand. I live in the woods... But like you and Pat....I have time.

  7. Well, Sweet Patty -- Glad you're enjoying the garden. My hubby brought home some pansies, violas, and petunias tonight. He got them on clearance because they had a little frost damage. Guess what we did after dinner? PLANTED FLOWERS on Earth Day! Of course, here in NE Ohio, there's a chance that the frost will get them, but we couldn't resist. They are in planters above the ground, so I'm hoping for the best. Otherwise, they might need mid-season replacements!

  8. Well, I sure don't think you are frittering your time away, Patty. What gorgeous gorgeous gardens you have there. No green here yet and they are predicting more snow this week- I wish I could spend a bit of time with YOU in YOUR garden! xo Diana

  9. Beautiful garden photos! I fritter! Boy, do I fritter!!! Have fun Friday....wish I could come.
    xo Kris


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