calling in sick...

I woke up early this morning finally feeling recovered from the busyness of last week.  I wasn't expecting the light rain that greeted me but being trapped inside for the day doesn't sound half bad. 

My craft room looks like a Michael's store exploded in it and it is really hard for me to feel creative in that much chaos. So that's the first thing on my agenda today.

I have a couple of classes to teach in the next two weeks and some prep work yet to be done for them so today is the perfect day to tackle that.  I love putting the kits together and teaching still doesn't feel like work.

I am not quite ready to tackle the messy state that this house in so I think I will designate today a work free (sick) day until someone calls me out on it...

I remember when I worked outside the home I would allow myself a day off every now and then when things at home where a little overwhelming.  I called them preventative sick days.  Now that I am home there is no one to call in sick to...So I guess now I just have to notify myself.

What about you?  Want to call in sick with me today?

xo, Patty

I have a few of these vintage pillow cases listed in the shop today...


  1. Yes please.

    Funny -- my hubby actually DID take a sick day today... actually a personal day, I guess. He decided late last night, and today, has been busy catching up on things around here. Definitely a "mental health" day for him. Me? I'm doing LAUNDRY. SAVE ME!!! Happy Monday Patty!

  2. I love days like this, rainy days make me just want to hibernate and do what I want. Go for it!


  3. I always took a few, too, as a teacher. It was just needed to keep me from ruining mine and someone else's day! Now I'm out due to being snowbound so many times this year, so I am plowing through. Today would have been a day to call in, had I kept any days left.

  4. Sounds like a great idea! But, unfortunately, I have entirely too much to do and several packages to mail. So, guess I'll have to wait for another day!

    Take care!


  5. "preventative sick day"...I like that.

  6. i actually took a sic day also. had lunch and shopped with
    my niece and her twindaughters. age 19. it was fun. elaine

  7. I would love to, and tomorrow as well. Happy stitching ; )

  8. Love all your photos. I sure could use a few days where i don't have to do anything except what I want to do.. I feel perpetually tired..

  9. LOL - I don't need much convincing!! Love the pillow cases ~ going to check out your shop next!


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