Happy New Year - a fresh start


My husband came home from his night job at 3:30 a.m., reached into the fridge for something to eat and a jar of salsa came crashing down splattering glass and tomatoes all over the place.

After a few expletives...he cleaned up the immediate mess and informed me that I might need to check for more pieces of glass and clean out the fridge when I got up.

Come morning I cautiously made my way into the kitchen and began the laborious task of emptying out the refrigerator, removing the drawers and shelves, tossing out anything of unknown origin or expired, and putting it all back together again. 

That about sums up 2012 for me...

There have been many messy jars of salsa, more than a few scary shards of glass and numerous nights of let's sleep on it and take a fresh look in the morning, this year.

Some years are just like that.  Sometimes we need to be shaken out of our comfy little world, face up to the clutter in our lives and remember on Whom we are dependent.  Sometimes it takes peeling away the layers of stuff that can accumulate over time and discarding what is no longer good or necessary, putting everything back into it's proper place and starting new.

That's what 2013 is for me...a fresh start.  Not that bad things won't happen to me because they most likely will, but I don't want to allow the clutter of stuff (not only material but mental) to cause me to grow complacent or too comfortable. 

I was contemplating a word to sum it all up and for 2013 it is PASSION.  I want to live each day of my life with passion and purpose as if it were my last.  I don't want to spend another year overwhelmed with stuff, thinking someday when I have time...

I want someday to be today.

"...What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation." Galatians 6:15

What about you?  Do you have a word for 2013?

xo, Patty


  1. Goodness. You have spoken so much truth here. I will be simmering on this for a while. Your pictures are beautiful once again. Happy New Year sweet friend!

  2. Oh what a mess!!! I do love the analogy!!!! I am thinking of my word for 2013...I will share it soon.
    I am hoping for a good year for all!!!
    Blessing to you and your family Patty!
    xo Kris

  3. Great words of wisdom Patty and I think Passion is a wonderful word for 2013! It means sooooo much! Wishing you and yours a wonderful and Happy New Year filled with passion! ~Maryjane xox

  4. Happy New Year, Patty! I think "passion" is a great word for the coming year.

  5. What a lovely perspective, will take it with me into the new year. 2012 has been a year of shadows for me, but my word for 2013 is LOVE, love because God has been ever present in those shadows and loved me through it all. I know that love will follow me into the New Year. A very happy and blessed New Year from Pam in Norway

  6. Such wonderful words. My word for 2013 would be PATIENCE. Patience to take the rough with the smooth, patience to plan ahead until I am ready to move on to the next step, patience to ride the wave of 2013. Happy New Year to you and yours. Chel x

  7. Patty,
    Love your word Passion for 2013!!!
    I've some prospects for The Word for 2013...
    but still waiting for His guidance and direction
    before making my final choice!
    As I cleaned out our refrigerator yesterday...
    the Term "Science Experiment" came to mind! Ha!
    Yes, I too, have cleaned, edited, purged
    and am ready to begin again, with a clean slate!
    Have a Happy New Year, dear friend!
    Looking forward to conversing with you in 2013!!!

  8. You summed up my 2012 also. Hope for a better for all of us in 2013!

  9. Patty, I wish you and yours a happy new year filled with good health and much happiness. We all deserve some happiness. The secret is sharing it. I have met many wonderful people thru this blog and I love it. xoxo,Susie

  10. Happy 2013! Have a passion filled year full of health and happiness! My word for 2013 is thrive! xoxo

  11. Love this post! My word: intentional. I want my year to be full of intentionally living.

  12. Love your post... I am still thinking of a word for 2013 and hoping this will be a better year for all of us. Happy New Year!

  13. I haven't picked my word for the year yet- I am pondering it. I love this post though- I have had some days like yours, too, and they do take their toll but I end up satisfied when I handle it properly- xo Diana

  14. wishing you a wonderful new year filled with people and things you are passionate about!


  15. Love your word for 2013! I, too, want to live life with more passion instead of just coasting through and wishing I had done more or lived more. Living life with passion is a good goal for the coming year. Wishing you much health, happiness, and passion in 2013!

  16. Your post spoke to me, Patty. I hadn't really thought about a word for 2013. But I think my word will be a mantra I will repeat when under duress. It will be "calm." I tend to get ahead of myself and pile trouble on for the future that I don't know will happen or not. Worry. I am a worrier. So I am going to try to be "calm" and maybe my little Abi will follow suit.

  17. Patty, what a sweet post for this time of the old year and preparing for a new year.

    Happy new year!


  18. Perhaps I'll think more about the idea of having a word for 2013. I hope your new year has much more joy than sorrow.


  19. What a wonderful analogy! I have known others who have done the same as you in choosing a word as a guide for the new year. I, on the other hand, have never done so but now may be a good time to start. I think my word shall be "faith". We are going to be undergoing some major changes this coming year and having faith that we are making the right decisions and that God will bless our endeavors.

  20. Oh how true, how true.
    Happiest of New Years to you (may it be salsa free)!

  21. Ooh, sorry about the mess of the broken glass and salsa (that'd be horrible to clean up!) but I love your analogy in conjunction with our lives. I don't have a "word" for this year, but I certainly love yours.

  22. Wonderful and thought provoking post, Patty.

    The little stuff (the clutter) can drive us all mad whether it be emotional or physical.

    My word for 2013 is contentment. But, I truly need to work on finding my center again. I have to do this about every four months. I spend time in reflection and prayer and come to a place of peace again.

    Only the best for you in 2013!!



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