art journal 2013


There are so many things I should be doing right now...

Like the laundry...
Like taking down Christmas...
Like a little grocery shopping...

But instead my fingers are smudged with paint and gesso and I am having the time of life creating my first ever art journal.

It is such a great way for me to match my need to create with my love of words.  I am learning so much about myself in the process.

I hope to show you a peek every week or so and hopefully let you in on my growth as an artist.

For now, I better go wash my hands and figure out what's for dinner.

xo, Patty

linking to Art Journal Every Day...


  1. wow, looks like such fun. you enjoy!! ( :

  2. Patty, looks lovely! Sounds like you are enjoying yourself!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Patty -it looks great. What a fun thing to do- brings out the child in you, doesn't it? xo Diana

  4. Oh I started this journey about four months ago and I am so HAPPY!!! I am equally as happy to hear you starting this journey. It is wonderfully therapeutic.

  5. I'd like to hear more about this. Your images are so pretty.

  6. Beautiful.... keep discovering and exploring.

    Happy New Year

  7. Loved seeing a bit of your art journal. The texture-y design on the terracotta colored flower pot really caught my eye. In fact, everything caught my eye. Wonderful work! Thanks for showing it to us.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Looks like great fun Patty!! I love it!!
    xo Kris

  9. What a lovely page. Your little bits of writing are so beautiful & the fabulous textures are so striking. I look forward to watching your journey.

  10. Oh how fun! It looks great Patty, and no artistic endeavor is wasted. You can do the dishes any time:>)

  11. Isn't it wonderful to create? Love your journal... the colors are beautiful. The dishes and dust bunnies ccan wait! Enjoy!

  12. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! for you! I have been wanting to do this also, you have inspired me. The other will still be there, but I bet this will be what brings you joy!
    Happy New Year!

  13. I am in awe! I am a journal junkie. It is my best friend. How I would love to learn the art of journal making. You should make them to sell!!
    Found your blog from life at empty nest and am loving reading!

  14. It's beautiful! I've been aching to do something like this. But I don't have your talent for it.

  15. These pages are beautiful! Can you share how you are doing them?

  16. will always have yourself

  17. Love your art journal. You are doing a fantastic job.


  18. What fun! You have a wonderful talent! I came by form Brenda's. Happy New Year to you and yours! Anne

  19. Saw you on Balzer designs, love your work! And your story is inspiring!

  20. BEAUTIFUL! Love the colors too!

    xoxo Carolyn

  21. Patty this is such amazing work! It has a Robyn-Marie Smith feel to it, who happens to be my favorite artist. Your work is so drawing in, the pot is just gorgeous and I really love your writing in such small but powerful words. Just phenomenal work! I must come back again...I'm so glad I am here! Blessings, Samara

  22. What a lovely idea. Just love it! The pictures are exciting and evocative (for me) of summer holidays! Enjoy. Blow the taking down of decs that can be done tomorrow. Joan


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