

"We're insecure.  You and me and every woman.  Lately I've been realizing more and more that chronic insecurity is a cultural epidemic, but almost no one is talking about it.  And it ticks me off.  We're insecure about everything from our looks to our worth as women, from our relationships to our futures, and everything else in between.  You name, and we're probably insecure about it."  Beth Moore, So Long Insecurity

Are you a book addict, like me?  I buy way more books than I will ever have the time to read.  I am getting better about it but every once in a while I can still throw one or two in my shopping cart.

I purchased Beth Moore's, So Long Insecurity, a couple of years ago with every intention of reading it and finally addressing some of my own insecurities.  I even placed it at the top of my reading pile last month but only cracked it open this morning.  

The quote I shared is from the jacket cover and I used it because I think it addresses a common misconception that insecurities have only to do with our looks and self esteem.  That is just not true.  Our insecurities are any area of our lives that we are unsure of and that causes us to worry obsessively over.  It could be our finances, our spouse or lack there of, our children, our health and the list goes on and on.  I think it's time I address some of them head on and begin unpacking them for good. 

If you have a copy of the book I'd love your input.  If you want to grab one from the library or Sam's Club, I'd love to have you take the journey with me. 

The weather has finally cooled a bit. I think I'll brew a pot of tea...my reading chair is calling me.

xo, Patty


  1. I can relate to being addicted to books and reading, my husband and I have called ourselves "bookaholics" from time to time. I will be interested to see how you unpack and send away insecurities, which sounds very beneficial.

  2. I finally got a library card at the place around the corner and have already checked out too many books to count. I'm usually reading a few at a time.

    As for insecurity, mine is hidden and most people would never know it's there. I've rarely worried about looks, but money worries top my list!

  3. I also have way more books then I'll read but they do look pretty on the shelf, LOL. I am a magazine addict though! But I must admit with the prices of them going up it has helped my addiction.

    As I've matured I have accepted myself and don't have near the insecurities. But the ones I still have are worrisome to me. At the top of my list is financial, retirement and sole income. If you figure out how to stop that insecurity I'm all ears! I may have to go find that book in the library, thanks for the info!

  4. You have such a lovely little reading spot there.

    Last night, I dreamed a traveled a long way to visit Lemon Lane Cottage, but when I got there, I was told that it was no longer Lemon Lane Cottage, but some cattle ranch named something I cannot even remember. Strange - dreams are.


  5. Bravo I want to get this for my girls. We do not raise up women who take care of their families and focus on people and not looks and things. Of course we want to look our best but we are all getting older and the sooner folks just accept that and stop obsessing, the better they will be. I see that pressure for my daughters from every where you look these days. Makes me mad as hell can you tell?

  6. I will see if our library has an available copy!

  7. The only real self-help book is the Bible. Insecurity does not come from God. Read Philippians 4:6, and remember that you solve all of your problems on your knees.


    1. I totally agree Helene. Beth's book will show us through scripture why that is true. I love her insight on the Word.

  8. Sounds like a book alot of us should read. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Patty! Sounds like a great book all us women should read. I love Beth Moore and have done quite a few of her video Bible studies. Gotta get this one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I don't believe all of us are Insecure. . I come from a line of strong women and the men are the weaker ones.... We seem to hold the walls up so to speak around here...I to believe our bible is our strength and guidance for all subjects. And if you need strengthening that's surely the place to go...Happy Fall evening with love Janice

    1. Janice, What a blessing to be a part of such a rich heritage. I never thought of strength and insecurity as one or the other. I absolutely believe the answers to all of our fears and insecurities are found in scripture. I look forward to using the book to help me dig deeper. Thank you for your thoughts on such a tender subject.

  11. I read it a couple of years ago...had my daughter go through it, and a friend just recently read it also. I enjoyed the book and gleaned a lot from it....I probably need to go back through it again, life seems to be pushing that insecurity button again. Blessings as you read

  12. I love the pillow in your chair! I will look for that book!!!

  13. It would be a blessing to me to say So Long Insecurity.

    Actually - a dream come true.

    I'll be following your journey.

  14. I just ordered the book on my Kindle. Will start it tomorrow. I'm doing another Beth Moore Bible Study "Breaking Free" It is intense and time consuming, but am learning a lot about myself. I would love to go along with you on this read.


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