doing a little baking...


The cool temperatures have me in full nesting mode and that usually means a little baking is bound to be going on.

I have been trying to bake on Sunday or Monday so that I can share my sweets with my Tuesday morning bible study ladies.  I am the biggest sweet eater at home so I know if they are in the house all week then I am the one who'll snack on them until they are all gone.

This week I headed to pinterest (I added a button on my side column if you want to check out my boards) for a recipe and settled on these peanut butter chocolate bars.

Dangerous. and. Delicious.

My good friend Beverly over at My Sew Sweet Studio has started posting Pinterest Try Tuesday highlighting things she actually makes from Pinterest.  If you are like me, you do a lot more pinning than the actual doing, so I thought I would try and join her as often as possible and actually try to use my boards for more than just dreaming.

Are you just a pinner?  Or are you a pinner and a doer?  Or have you wisely stayed away from the fun and addiction of pinterest?

xo, Patty


  1. So far I am a pinner, no doer. LOL Your treat looks yummy! I am like you if it is around I will eat it, hence no baking going on in this house.

  2. I am more pinner than doer. But I have done some things. I love to look mostly. Your sweets look good! I am a huge sweets eater!!! Could be why I can't lose weight!!!
    xo Kris

  3. Hi Patty ~ Those bars look absolutely yummy. Wish I lived closer I'd be on my way now ;-)

  4. Hi Patty, look how yummy your treats look. I be your home smells sooo good! I love to bake when it's cool out! I am a true Pinterest pinner. I have 100 boards and counting...come see if you ever have a moment! Shari

  5. Dear Patty,
    Everyday I wait for your post. I know you will post some beautiful pictures with some beautiful write ups. its a very beautiful. and those lip smacking sweets are the feat of my eye.
    Loads of luv

  6. The bars look so good! We can't stop baking around here. We seem to finish off a pan of something, and then want to bake something else right away! It's terrible!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Erica :)

  7. Those are some tasty looking bars :)

    I like Pinterest... it's nice to save ideas.
    Sure cuts down on all me binders full of ideas **grin*.

    Happy baking, and craft making.


  8. Looks yummy. I pin a little bit. Finding the time is difficult. I will follow you on Pinterest.

  9. Pinner. And Doer! So fun!
    And that is a great idea about timing your baking that way.

  10. I am on pinterest...just don't seem to have the time to go on as much as I'd like to...I love reading your posts...wonderful!

  11. I'm more of a pinner than a doer right now, but I hope to be more of a doer after my new kitchen is all finished.

  12. Mmmm!! Those look delcious. I will be trying those. Can't go wrong with pB and Chocolate. Thanks for linking to my Pinterest Try Tuesday. I will be following you on Pinterest now. The cool weather has brought out the baker in me too.

  13. What a wonderfully delicious...not to mention, pretty post! Studying God's Word along with homebaked goods...What could be sweeter?!
    What a lovely Fall arrangement...I need to get my Coca Cola Crate out and fill it with the season's touches, too.
    Thank you for sharing, my new friend,
    Carolynn xoxo

  14. yes I will be def trying this recipe, I'm drooling as I type.....not good!!!!!!
    I started a pinterest two weeks ago, Soooooooooo addicted :( I love it
    Karen x

  15. I'm a pinner, but yet also a doer! And your peanut butter chocolate bars looks delicious! I would definitely eat all those if they were left at my house, too.

  16. Baking is such fun and, it is always a delight to have someone else around to eat it. :)

    I stated Pinterest a little over a month ago. I love it. Mostly I pin things that I enjoy, no so much things that I plan to do. And although I pin some delicious looking food, I cannot really try most of it because I might actually eat it!!! I am in the process of losing weight, which I have been working on since May…very slowly but steadily.

    I will have to check out your Pinterest boards.



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