savoring the moment


I spent some time cleaning up a portion of the back garden yesterday.  I could feel a gentle breeze on my face as I watched my grandson ride his bike, the dog enjoying a nap on a cushioned chair and my husband lazily swinging his golf club on the lawn. 

Nothing unusual in any of it but the feeling of savoring the moment permeated the late afternoon air.

Sometimes the very ordinariness of my life seems the most worthy of celebration.  Life has a way of teaching you how fleeting those moments can be.

I am being more careful to acknowledge the times of gentle peace in my every day life and making sure to pause and count my blessings.

What ordinary blessings are you counting today?

xo, Patty


  1. Hi Patty,
    I love the thought of counting my ordinary blessings and it's good to be reminded. Thank you! I just finished taking a beautiful walk with my girls. It's always a blessing to spend time talking and laughing while we enjoy being out.
    I have been following your blog for a while now. I love your pictures and the heart of your posts.


  2. I try to do this everyday when I walk - it is peaceful :-)
    P.S. your flowers still look pretty. My garden is covered in leaves after the windy day we had today!

  3. Patty - What ordinary blessings we take for granted - our health, our children, our grandchildren, living in the country that we do and the freedoms we have. We all too often just expect these things and forget to thank the Lord for the things He gives us every day. Thanks for reminding me.


  4. Hi Patty! This very moment an "ordinary" blessing is listening to the sweet voices of my granddaughters giggling and playing in the next room! And the tick-tock of the grandfather clock as the sun is setting and casting long shadows in my living room. :) it is fun to slow down and notice details...and give thanks to the Lord! Thanks Patty! :D

    XOXO Carolyn

  5. I spent the day painting the living room and now it's all fresh and pretty:>)
    Hard work but the sun shone and it was warm enough to open the windows so the paint smell isn't so bad. The ordinary blessing of getting a project done that I have wanted to do for quite some time!

  6. A long time ago I resolved to live in the moment, and that's just what I matter what task is at hand. You can always find the goodness in it and be grateful!


  7. I try and live in the moment and be still and enjoy the moment. My blessings today are sunshine, a crisp fall breeze and just enjoying the fact that our family has their health. That's quite enough ;-)

  8. it's such a good reminder. God is in the most ordinary of days and the simple blessings that abound there.

  9. Oh so true Patty . . .
    "Sometimes the very ordinariness of my life seems the most worthy of celebration"

  10. I think that is always the best way to live, enjoying the peace we have and counting our blessings. Little blessings are actually big blessings, it is only that we are so used to them that we forget that everything is a miracle.

    :) Hope

  11. I am enjoying the peace of my Home today! We've had a busy weekend around here and today I will have my Home to myself...for a little while anyway!
    Enjoy your day!

  12. Patty,
    Without the hassels of daily schedules to meet...I actually STOPPED to SMELL the Roses on my way to the mailbox! As they make their final colorful show of the year, their perfume is divine!!! Life is much simplier these days On Crooked Creek...and I'm lovin' every minute of my retirement!


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