recapturing my own space


     "A woman is walking along the beach, she sees an older woman picking up starfish and tossing them into the sea.  The young woman, thinking the older woman's efforts futile, asks, "Old woman, why do you do that?  There are  so many starfish, and the sea's waves unceasingly beat up against the shore.  You toss a few back, but what difference does it make? 
    The old woman picks up a starfish, flings it into the ocean and says, "It made a difference to that one!"     Pam Farrel, A Woman of Influence

I hadn't realized  how much I missed having my own space until I recaptured it this past week.  I had forgotten how much a place to dream of creative things feeds my very soul. 

I remember now the joy that fills my heart when I walk into this little room that is more me than any other place in our home. 

I am reminded that I was made to create beautiful things.  As trite as that sounds in light of all the suffering and injustice in this world...making pretty things matters. 

I have thought to myself (and said out loud to my husband) how thankful I am that he knows me and for giving back the blessing of this little piece of me.


Welcome to my corner of the world.  A place to write, to dream, to pray, to create...a place to recapture me.

It looks like these two approve...

I will be back tomorrow with all the details.

xo, Patty

I'm joining Brenda over at Cozy Little House for Tweak it Tuesday.


  1. I had a student tell me that starfish story last week...I love it. Your happy place is are blessed. Every where we have lived I always made sure I had 'a place' even if it was just a small corner of a one bedroom apartment...I need to feed my soul...every day.

  2. Looks like a great creative space. Loved the starfish story and how true. Hope your day is blessed. Heather

  3. I would love to have a big beautiful craft room like yours. Just great.

  4. WHat a great story. Your craft room looks amazing. I love the colors you used!

  5. It's wonderful that you have your own space once again, Patty. I'll enjoy seeing the projects that emerge from it.

  6. Patty ~ what a funny but true star fish story. Your space is just beautiful and I believe that we all need a space just for us ~ to worship, to be quiet, to nurture our souls and to create beautiful things. For if we do not nurture ourselves ~ how can we nurture others?
    Lovely, lovely space indeed.

  7. Beauty is important in this difficult and stressful time Patty. Your space is charming. xo, Olive

  8. Beauty is important, Patty. Otherwise God would not have made the world so beautiful. It rests us, it helps us to think on holy, good things, it ministers to us.
    I take especial care to create beauty in our home, for my family's sake.
    And your creations in your craft room are true gifts.

  9. Great space, Patty! I am hoping to do that in a bedroom upstairs!

  10. Oh, it is just beautiful! Oh, and the pups at your feet must be wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Cozy Little House. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  11. As much as I know you enjoy your grandson's company, "a woman just needs a room of her own." Enough said.

  12. the place is as lovely as you are!!!

  13. I love your little corner of the world! Completely charming and inspirational. Love the pups too. Remember ~ creating beauty is important too. There is much ugliness and hardship in this world and creating beauty brings a special kind of joy to everyone. Keep it up!

    Susan and Bentley

  14. Yes, making pretty things matters! And making cute things, too! Love your space! ♥

  15. Patty
    Your creative space is gorgeous. I'm sure you'll be inspired to make many lovely projects!

  16. love it! It speaks volumes to me of who you are...and I am impressed and humbled. Can't wait for the details..;j

  17. It is a wonderful place to be creative!!! I hope to get to see it in person soon!!
    XO KRis

  18. Fantastic, enjoy every second you spend creating & praying & writing in that lovely room
    Lots of love Karen x

  19. I love your little space ~ what a great room!
    And I too believe that it is important to create beautiful things.

    :) Hope

  20. Patty, I LOVE your space - you are so blessed to have it and I look forward to seeing more of all your pretty makes that you will create there!
    Enjoy it,

  21. I have a room that has been put on hold to do just this sort of thing in....for Me! Your pictures inspire me to get working on it again. I love all the colors you have in your space. Hope all is well with you! Can't wait to hear more!

  22. You already know I love your space, but want to know how you keep it all so organized and clean all the time?

  23. Love your space and yes, making pretty things does matter..Enjoy!!

  24. What a great space! I am blessed to have my own space too, but I've let it get overrun with my own unfinished projects, etc. Your space makes me want to get down there and turn it into something beautiful again. Thanks for sharing!

  25. How lovely Patty. I love the colors and the cool cottage feel of your hideaway. I like the added temporary fixture Pepper. She looks quite content. Sweet, Sweet, Sweet! Love you my sweet sister!

  26. I know exactly what you mean and how it feels to have my own space to create and just be me. I am so happy for you that you were able to get your place back. I have never heard the starfish story before, but it was so perfect for your post today.

  27. It's very nice, Patty. I know you'll enjoy it. I wish I was more creative!

  28. You did a lovely job with your new space! Keep blogging!


  29. Its a wonderful cheerful!!!

  30. Hi Patty,I'm trying to do exactly that at the moment so good on you girl! I love your place how lovely and so many different 'treasures' to spend time with. Just you 'enjoy'. What a lovely husband he sounds. Joan

  31. Having our own space to create in is absolutely a blessing. I love being able to leave my projects out right where I left them and be able to start right back in from where I left off. It's so much better than sharing the space with the dining room table and having to pack it all up for the day just so you can use the table for dinner time... Sheesh, that wasn't any fun and it put a damper on creating anything in the first place. Love your room!

  32. Oh Patty, what a lovely space! I got my hearts and I love them! Yes, you do create pretties!

  33. Oh WOW! Thank you for sharing the pictures of your creative space. I love them!


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