hopes and dreams for 2012


This is absolutely my favorite night of the year.  I know it's silly but this night holds all the hopes and dreams that I've dared to imagine in a brand new, never been touched year.   I realize that any day can hold the same opportunities but there is just something about the turning of the calendar year that ignites fresh possibilities.

For as long as I can remember I have been a lover of new beginnings...a new box of crayons, a new school year, new flower beds, new houses and the granddaddy of them all...a whole New Year. 

This is the stuff that the dreamer in me lives for.  Making lists and plans and setting new goals.  I gave up a long time ago calling them resolutions, that term seems to place a period after any failed attempts.  Hopes and dreams allow for the chance to try and fail and revamp and try again. 

Since this is 2012, I thought I'd list my top twelve hopes and dreams for the year.  Of course this list is subject to editing because life never goes according to plans. 

I found my pretty 2012 day planner at Target...don't you love it?  I"ll write my list inside the front cover that way every time I open it I can be reminded to keep focused on what I want to accomplish and to assess just what I'm doing to live the life I dream of living.

Right next to the day planners at Target was this handy dandy label maker.  I think it goes hand in hand with being purposeful about living life.   So here's my list...

1.  Pray more.
2.  Write more thank you cards.
3.  Be more organized.
4.  Walk regularly.
5.  Learn to cook new things.
6.  Take more pictures.
7.  Spend more time in my studio.
8.  Open an Etsy shop or booth.
9.  Be a better friend.
10. Spend more quality time with my husband.
11. Be content.
12. Give to others more purposely.

That's it...nothing earth shattering but hopefully life changing for me and those in my sphere of influence.  I have been given so much, I really want this to my year to give back.

What about you?  Any hopes and dreams you'd like to share?  I'd love to hear them.

Have a happy, joyful and content New Year my friends.  Thank you for all your encouragement and kind words in 2011.



  1. I feel that way too about a new year..and the other new things you mentioned. I have put all the birthdays of my 8 kids and 22 grand kids on my new calender..so much to look forward to. I think 2012 is going to be a great year, we are praying to sell our home and go forward serving the Lord. Happy New Year! ;D

  2. I love the you said this Patty. Wonderful list! Happy New Year to you!

  3. Your goals are big and beautiful and will be super guides for 2012.
    Happy New Year to you.

  4. Your goals for 2012 are heartfelt and attainable. I love the list. And that planner is just gorgeous.

    Happy New Year, Patty!

  5. Hmmm . . . Any hopes and dreams I'd like to share?

    Perhaps I could just copy yours!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wonderful goals, Patty. I have no doubt you will succeed. Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New year, Patty!
    A new year brings a new friend!
    Thank you for visiting 34th street!
    I loved your inspirational post!
    Your list could translate to so many of us. I am your newest follower!

  9. I like your list Patty,it has reminded me to do the same.
    I was going to open an Etsy shop this year,but couldn't wait and did it a few weeks ago. So, now on with the next to do. hmmmm I think one will be to stop sitting back waiting for my recently published book to sell,but get off my butt and market it. One more really important one is not to try to do everything myself,because I think no one can do it better. One of my little traits I don't like about myself.

    Happy New Year to you and your family xx jeanetteann

  10. Hello, this is Angel from angelstearoom. What a cute blog you have. Now I need to sit down and take a look around your place. :)

  11. Lovely post and so realistic and doable. So glad to have met you this year and can't wait to see what you have for us in 2012.

  12. Wonderful goals for the New Year ~ I look forward to spending 2012 with you my friend ;-)

  13. Patty,
    Stopping by to say hello and thank you for your sweet comment and visit On Crooked Creek! I love your new planner/ journal! I, too, am a list maker! Usually my list consist of what I need to accomplish that day...or preparation for vacation. Always the grocery list, ...and the upcoming Seasonal accomplishment list. Your list placed in the front of your planner is truly mind provoking! Thank you for this lovely post. I'll be back when I can stay awhile longer...your blog is intriquing!

  14. I like your list of goals...they resonate with a lot of the goals I've reflected on for myself. Here's to 2012 and living purposefully! :)

  15. Excellent Attitude! Happy New Year and Blessings to YOU!

  16. looks like a good list to me, since many are what I want to better at!

  17. Patty, a totally delightful post as always. I love how you make me think.

    My goal for 2012 is to relax more and just 'let up' on myself. I set really high standards for myself and sometimes it is just a bit too much.

    Thanks for being such a kind friend this past year. Happy New Year!


  18. A lovely cheerful post, Patty. I love New Year too and all the new plans and dreams there are to think about. Love the new planner...and a label maker would be a useful thing to have! Wishing you and your family a very Happy New year!
    Helen x

  19. I haven't really thought about dreams or goals for the new year...yet anyway! (I guess I'd better get cracking.) You've come up with a wonderful list. Maybe I'll borrow some of yours. lol

    Happy New Year from your newest follower!

  20. What a great list and yes your planner is great! I keep a little day book (the one you can get at Hallmark) and I love to look thru the coming year and get excited about the events that will be coming up. Have a wonderful New Year's Day! Kit

  21. I like that you call them goals instead of resolutions! Very wise!

    I hope that you have a very Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Year! I like your ideas and may even borrow one or two. I wish you all the best!

  23. That's an admirable list! I'm glad we are starting a new year with new hope and promise. Happy New Year!


  24. A very happy New Year to you! I loved this post. Blessings as we start out the new year!

  25. Hey sweet girl :)
    I LOVE the new year, but usually don't make a list...which is SO not like me..I'm a def list maker. When it comes to the new year, I think I make it more of a mental thing..you know, like...I'd really like to have more family time. I guess I just have a running list in my head. Maybe this year I'll write them down. :)
    Hope you have a wonderful, blessed new year and that you achieve everything on your new years list. :)
    Love you much my friend...hope we become even closer in the new year!

  26. I like your list of 12 things to work on...I just made my list today as well! Hope you have a Happy New Year, now a new follower :)

  27. I want to explore my inner self to find more serenity. Serenity is my word for 2012. I want my life to be filled with calm and contentment. Pretty planner!

  28. I love your list!! Things that we should make priorities in our lives even if it's not a new year!! :)
    If we fail or fall short, we can always pick ourselves up and try again.
    Happy New Year!

  29. I have three different notebooks going, and I'm jotting down ideas and goals and schedules and plans like a crazy woman. Perhaps organizing my lists should be at the top of my list!
    Happy, Happy New Year!

  30. Happy New Year. I love that suitcase. Did you make it yourself and if you did how? Just beautiful.

  31. You and me are 2 peas in a pod when it comes new beginnings and lists! I hope 2012 is all that you dream it will be.

  32. Thank you for visiting my blog...I hope you like the books I recommended. The box or suitcase in this post is wonderful...did you cover it with fabric or cloth?



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