sweet escape

That's what blogging is, you know...my sweet escape.

I am sorry I haven't been around to visit as often as usual.  My sweet dad has been facing some serious health issues and my mind has been focused on him.

My time taking pictures and composing posts has become a sanctuary of sorts.  A way to free my mind and heart for a moment or two.   Life is still good and beautiful and worthy of sharing.

God in his ever knowing Godness has had me memorizing James 1.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete lacking nothing."

The next week or so should determine our path and I hope once decisions are made I will be able to lay the situation down at His feet and be back to visiting with you all soon.  In the mean time your prayers are dearly appreciated.



  1. you have summed that up so well. yes... blogging is my sweet escape!

    do hope your dad is better soon x

  2. I'm sorry to hear your dad is going through his health troubles. Hope he gets better soon.

  3. I'm saying prayers in your behalf, and hoping that things are resolved for the best.

    Hang in there, and know that you are in my thoughts.

    Sending warm thoughts, and hugs... Kerin

  4. My love and prayers go out to your Dad and your family. I hope everything turns out ok. I totally agree about the blog escape thing. We all need to share in the beautiful parts of life to remind us how much we are loved by HIM. Take all the time you need, we will be here waiting.

  5. Am praying for you & your dad Patty, I know Christ is our strong tower, so keep trusting sis
    Lots of love Karen x

  6. My prayers are with you and your family. Yes, a true escape but we also want you to know we are all here for you! Love and Hugs!

  7. Patty,
    Thank you for sharing that verse today. Your dear Dad will be in my prayers. May I have his name?
    Stay positive!!

  8. I love that scripture! The Word helps me through what I deal with, too. God is so gracious to actually turn our trials into something so wonderful for Him.
    So sorry to hear about your dad. I'll pray for him and for you!
    I love this sweet vintage picture you put up...it caught my attention.

    Have a blessed day!

  9. Sending prayers your way, Patty.

    Barb ♥

  10. Oh Patty I didn't know your dad was not doing well. I am glad that you have an escape. We all need that when we are going through something like this. I pray for peace of mind on whatever you all have to decide. Not an easy time. Let me know is you need a break. I can meet you for coffee or something.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad not doing well. Yes, blogging is helpful because it is the one place I can express how I feel and see others comments help encourage me or inspire me. Like you said, it is a sweet escape to get away from the daily struggles we face and feel at peace. I will be praying for your dad that he will recover from his health issues. I really enjoyed the passage you wrote from James 1. What inspirational verses. They really helped encourage me today and applied to how I was feeling. Thank you!! I don't ever really remember reading that before- but it is definitely one to remember and look at especially in hard times. We often think hard times are times for pain and suffering- which that may be, but it is also a time for joy and praise because those times are bringing us closer to God and allowing us to trust in Him more. Thanks so much for this post, it really encouraged me today!! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!!

  12. Only a Christian can turn to that verse and get great comfort from it. Prayers for your family.

  13. Love you dear friend, praying God's will for dad's future, and His direction.



  14. Hi Patty, I am glad blogging brings you peace. I will keep your father in my prayers. I hope it all works out for you. ((hugs)) xo

  15. Thank you for sharing the verse from James. Will lift your father up in prayer. Best wishes to you.

  16. I hope your father is getting better...I love your sweet picture...so ...Christmas!!

  17. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope he feels better soon.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment about my mantel. I love the vintage picture you have posted.

    Merry Christmas. Kristine

  18. I know how difficult it is when your parents are ill. Hope you find the right solution for him. Meanwhile I send my prayers for both you and him. Stella

  19. I love that scripture too and I pray it comforts you during this time.....the neat thing about blogging is there are lots of folks out here praying for you:)

  20. Dear Patty.
    I am so sorry about your dad's health issues. You all will be in my prayers.
    The scripture the Lord is having you hold close to your heart is perfect! :o)
    Sincerely, Trish

  21. Patty, I'm sorry you Dad is having health issues. I will keep him and you in my prayers.

  22. so sorry to hear your Dad is having health issue. please know i will keep you all in my prayers. (:


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