post Christmas cheer


 I am slowly but surely restoring order in our house since the explosion of Christmas last weekend.  Between making room for the new, by weeding through the old and deciding what I really want to keep in my new craft studio and what I will never realistically have a chance (or the ability) to create, we filled up the back of my husbands pick up truck and headed over to the Goodwill drop off site.

(chalkboard Christmas gifts)

Having my husbands input certainly made the decision making a lot easier than ever before.  After hearing him say, "Really Patty, you might use that someday?" a few hundred times, it sunk in.  I may have a bit of a hoarder issue. 

Christmas decorations that haven't seen the light of day in the last couple of years went into the Goodwill pile without a second thought, as did three candelabra type candle holders from my tea party days.  Numerous prints from the 90's that I have been holding onto just in case I might need that size frame joined a menagerie of lampshades and wall plaques that really aren't my style anymore.

Slowly but surely progress is being will definitely take some time to declutter and simplify this little cottage.  For now, we're just taking one room at a time.

There is something about the New Year that gets me into the organization-declutter mood.  Are you the same way?


  1. The new year means new beginnings and I think that is why we all want to declutter and organize. I feel the same way and will be getting on with that same task this week ;-)

  2. I am doing the same, reorganizing some spaces. I already did my shoe and accessory room. It feels good to get it done.

  3. What a lovely blog! Thanks for stopping by mine. I will be back....
    My Wish for you & yours is Good Health & Happiness for the New Year !!

  4. I need to do the same but what a challenge for me. I will need to make several trips to Goodwill in my Tucson. Those are the first blackboards I have seen that I really like!

  5. I've been doing the same, but this antiquing...I just keep buying and buying. I must resolve to be choosier about what I buy! In the mean time I'm weeding through my clothes.

  6. The hoarder issue has entered my mind with the clutter that I have accumulated over the years!!! Yes, there are craft items I will never use; seeing you give things away has motivated me to the box at the Salvation Army drop box. Thank you very much! I luv your blogsite!!

    Debbie S.

  7. I, too, want to clear things out, especially the who-knows-what things lurking in my basement!

  8. That is just what I will be doing this week, with many trips to GW! It feels good to have a clean slate, doesn't it? xo

  9. Great chalkboards!! How fun to have new stuff, and give away the old stuff that no longer works for us.

    I too LOVE to organize and do projects. The new year inspires me!

  10. One of my New Years resolutions is to declutter and organize, which I started doing yesterday.
    I love you chalkboard and I have several picture frames that I plan to make into chalkboards with something painted on them.
    Have a Healthy, Happy New Year.

  11. Oh yes! I love the New Year and the New Start..and I LOVE downsizing, it makes me feel so light and free. Happy New Year to you, come say hi sometime. :D

  12. Patty
    I love your new chalkbord-so sweet!
    I'm just beginning the decluttering
    I did it not long ago, but find I need to dig deeper.
    It is such a good feeling to be rid of junk and organized again.
    Happy New Year!

  13. I am always sad that my Christmas decorations have to be put away and I think that is why I cling to reorganization after Christmas. Nice blog. You are inspiring me to decorate my currently bare house.

  14. I love New Year's resolutions! Sometimes it's good to have an "independent" party help you part with things! I do it for my hubby all the time!

  15. That decluttering thing is a must!
    especially with the merging of two households!!!!
    Thank you for stopping by and loved catching up with you and what you've been up to!
    Hugs Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  16. I think we are all after a brand new slate...get things out that we don't need or want...organize....clean...ENJOY.

  17. Yes, I'm the same way. I'm always looking for a way to do things differently and in a better way - our home, the budget, me personally. You're ahead of me though as I haven't began the process yet.

  18. nice post thanks for sharing...blessings and happy holidays...loves soraya

  19. Stunning chalkboard!! I had to laugh at your hoarder comment, who us?? My hubby thinks I may just be a candidate for a show one day, but I am getting so much better at letting stuff go!

  20. sometimes it comes to the point where our stuff owns us instead of the other way around...that's where I am and working on it starting today!

  21. Yes, like you I love to de clutter when the new year begins, with a fresh start and a feeling of looking forward and being organised! You sound as if you have achieved a lot already, Patty!
    I hope you have a Happy New Year and a wonderful 2012.
    Helen x

  22. Yes doing the same here..and trying to purge through my to-be craft room..time to fill up the boxes and clean things out.

    Happy New Year

  23. for the last few years, if I dont put it out at Christmas it goes.....I have eliminated probably 2/3rds of my decorations!!! and when it comes time to take it all down, its really nice to have downsized...!!!!

  24. Adorable chalkboards! Like you, I need to declutter. Problem is, every time I get rid of stuff, months later I realize I "need" something that I just got rid of. Hard to make decisions on what to part with. However, I am working on reorganizing and doing some decorating, so I'm sure I'll part with some of it.

    Hope you have a wonderful 2012!

  25. Trying to take some enthusiasm from you! I was just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for visiting my place and your special comments. I look forward to engaging more with you in 2012. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  26. Yes, I feel just like you! I have just begun tackling the mess and will dig in tomorrow after our daughter and family leave for their home. I love January just for that reason.

  27. I agree...been organizing and downsizing like mad, feels great! ;D

  28. I agree. I always get a spurt of cleaning/reorganizing energy after Christmas. It's like a fresh slate.

  29. Lovely blog,It feels good to have a clear out and declutter,once all the decorations are down im planning to do the same xx

  30. Totally! September and New Year's Day are my big organizing holidays!

  31. At least Hubby understands you! Have a Lovely New Year.


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