faith walk friday #7

Let me try this one more time...

Thank you for hanging in there with me.  I can't believe it's already faith walk friday #7.  I have really enjoyed sharing with you each week and hearing your encouraging words of wisdom as we walk through this together.

On being creative - It is my belief that all of us possess within us the power to create.  Whether it be with words, with food, with paper, with fabric, with a paint brush or with a camera.  The same God that created the oceans, the mountains and the sunset, created you and I, in His image, with his creative flair.

With that fact established, the question then becomes, how do I use that desire and ability to create in a way that brings honor and glory to Him?

I've shared before that my girls were adopted through the foster care system.  I don't know if I've shared how terrified I was that first week we brought them home.  I remember calling my mom in tears wondering if I was up to such a huge task.  Would I be able to offer these precious little ones the love and security they deserved. Would I be able to make them feel special and chosen?  What were we thinking when we said, "Yes" to this calling?  I was blessed to have been surrounded with family and friends ready to encourage me in words and actions, to remind me that what I lacked, God would provide in abundance. 

I would love to find a way to use my love of hand work to bless children in foster care.   It is my hearts desire and fervent prayer to help those children know they are special and not forgotten.

I want them to feel wrapped in the love of a Father that is never to busy to hear the cry of the smallest child.  I'm not sure what that looks like right now.  I have a few ideas, I'm just waiting on God's confirmation with an open heart and willing hands.

Faithfully His,


  1. Hi Patty
    Lovley Post :)
    and do not miss...




    It is fun :)
    WELCOME :)
    HÃ¥kan ( The Roseman)

  2. Patty, you are so right! Our creative spirit is a reflection of teh greatest creator of all and I would so love to find a way to glorify Him with my talents. I am sure you will find a way too:>) Your quilt is beautiful, Did you use vintage sheets?

  3. I am really going to be pondering this thought about the creativeness being within us. I do not see myself as creative at all. I think I shall pray on it!

  4. I also adopted through the foster system.
    AN emergency foster placement.....getting our license as quick as possible so that a little boy could have a home. What a rough road and we still have lots of bumps. I like your thoughts about creativeness.

  5. Patty, Beautiful post! Keep praying... if you are willing God is going to use your talent!
    I am so happy to have stopped by today!

  6. I love your heart-felt thoughts. We are indeed so blessed by our Heavenly Father. It is in our divine nature to be creative and nurturing.
    Thanks for finding my blog. Now, I can follow you back, and read your cute blog.
    Hope you have a beautiful weekend!

  7. You are indeed, a very special person!!

  8. This is such a beautiful, sincere post. Very well-written. I look forward to reading more of your posts. I'm now following you as well.

  9. Patty,
    What a lovely was worth the effort. As a former child protective sw for 11 years, I can only assure you that you and your husband have done the best thing ever for your girls!!!...and you. How often I cried with these children and their families when live just did not work out for them...and you have made it work.

  10. May GOD continue to reveal to you what your next step may be .... HE is a BIG GOD ..... A VERY BIG GOD
    .... HE will let you know sooner or later what to do .... Your children are so very blessed to have you as their mom .... Rest well ! It is nice to visit here .

  11. Thank you for visiting us at Red Rose Alley. Your blog is so pretty, and while I was reading, I noticed the comment you made about wanting the conversation and the smell of coffee to leave an impression than the cup you pour it into. I thought that was wonderful. We would love it if you could follow us, and I would certainly come back and follow you as well. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. Patty
    Because your heart is in the right place, I'm sure the Lord will open the door for you that will lead to
    using the talents he's blessed you with!

  13. You are such a thoughtful writer. Blessing abound in your home.

  14. It seems that sometimes we just have to be open to the possiblities, since God's answers may come in ways we never imagined. I know for myself too, I've spent a lot of time waiting...needing things to feel right and that I'm doing what God intends for me :)

  15. Those girls were so blessed to have been adopted by you. Foster care requires bravery, devotion, and great love. I applaud you. I hope you receive as many blessings as you give.

  16. Thank you so much for your encouraging, heartfelt words. It looks like you are doing a wonderful job and God is very proud of you I am sure. Even though I don't know you very well, it looks as though you help others out and show God's love through your wonderful creative talents!! Very nice post!!

  17. Beautiful post. My older brother is adopted, and my mom said she had the same feelings you did when they actually found out they were going to be parents. They were looking into a second adoption when they found out they were expecting me. I'm so thankful for my big brother!

  18. I can see that you feel the way I do about creativity and using it for God's glory! Have a great week.

  19. Beautifully said. I have had people tell me that the wish that they could be creative like me and I would respond that they most certainly are creative, but that God needs all kinds of creativity on this earth and that they share something different. I have loved waking up and going through your past posts, and am your newest follower. What a beautiful blog and a beautiful soul you are.
    t. xoxooxox


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