the joy of growing strawberries in pots - gardening

While I've been flower gardening for a while, growing fruits and vegetables is new to me.  I originally decided to give it a try hoping it would encourage us to eat healthier and make us just a little more self-sufficient.  I didn't realize the beauty of it, the delicate blossoms, the brightness of the fruit, the different shades of greens in the lettuce leaves. peppers and onions.

I especially love strawberry season.   I can't wait for them to start showing up in the supermarket and
at the local produce stand and farmers market each spring so I thought it would be fun to put a few strawberry plants in my produce patch this year.

growing strawberries in a pot

I'm amazed at the difference in homegrown fruits and vegetables from the store bought kind.  The color is more vivid and the taste just can't be matched. 

I don't know if strawberries grow well in your neck of the woods but even if you have to put them in a pot in the sunniest place in the yard, I would encourage you to give them a try.

The good news is that strawberries actually do very well when grown in a pot.  Here's what I would recommend.
  1. You just need to make sure they get six to eight hours of sun every day.
  2. There are several different kinds of strawberries so check with your local nursery to see which one grows best in your region.  
  3. When the weather is warm enough to work the soil you know you are safe to start your strawberry plants in pots.  
  4. First find a large container and fill it with fresh good quality potting soil.  Add a few shakes of a good time released fertilizer before putting in your plants.  
  5. Put them in the pot so that the soil just covers the base of the plant.
  6. Water them well when they are first planted and them water reqularly in the morning, feeding them once a month.  
  7. As soon as they're red and juicy looking it's time to reap the benefits of your patience and hard easy work and start picking.

There is joy in growing your own food whenever you can.  An added bonus is the excitement my grand kids running out to the vegetable patch and picking that gorgeous fruit and popping it into their sweet little mouths.

Along side the strawberries, I planted radishes that the little ones love to pull out of the dirt for their grandpa who will eat them right out of the ground.   Against my better judgement, he convinced my youngest grandson to give one a try.  His sweet little face went from joy to tortured in a split second.  The hot flavor of that red radish only lasted through a couple of crunches before it made it's way into my waiting hand.   It seems that one of the joys of being a grandma is being the recipient of any food tasting that doesn't meet the approval of the taster.

One of the less talked about perks of grandmahood, for sure.  You know, I still wouldn't trade it for the world.

xo, Patty

P. S.  If you'd like to try growing your strawberries (or other fruits and vegetables) in raised beds or directly into the soil check out my post on preparing your soil for planting.

I'm joining the Simple Saturdays Blog party today.


  1. I've never planted strawberries but I'd love to give it a try. Adding to my list. ;)

  2. Patty, The birds like to get the strawberries too. We had some...then the chick weed grew into the patch..what a bother. I love berries..but I never eat them because of the tiny seeds...Have to watch that. Mountain Mama was wondering today if she could leave her strawberry plants out , what with this weekend forecast being below freezing. I would not. But I do not know. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. We have a good sized bed of strawberries. Every year we enjoy the blossoms and then the beautiful fruit. Growing vegetables and fruits can be so relaxing and fun!

  4. I grow bluberries and this year I am growing raspberries in pots. I didn't have very good luck with strawberries. I guess I will have to give it another try.


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