Shout Out Saturday - blogging friends


Hello my Saturday morning friends.  I am heading out the door this morning for our first official little league game of the season.  I don't know about you but one of the signs of spring will always be the kickoff of baseball season.  Before I head out I wanted to give a Shout Out Saturday to a few of my oldest and dearest blogging friends.  These ladies have been writing, photographing and sharing their lives for many years and though I have never met any of them in person, they feel like old friends.  

I'm sure you probably know all of them already but just in case you haven't visited them in a while or maybe lost track of them because a couple have changed the name of their blogs, I thought I'd invite you to go on over and say hello.

First up is Rue from An Old Fashioned World.  Some of you may remember her from her old blog Peanut Butter and Jelly Life.  I adore her authenticity and love her classic style. She is currently restoring her 1930's home to it's original glory and her blog is full of tours of each room in her house.  Take your time and take a peek at all of them.

Then there's Jen at The Cottage Nest.  Jen has been my blog crush for as long as I've been reading
blogs and her writing and imagery has only gotten better and more endearing.  If you ever need to be lifted up and reminded to slow down and savor life, then Jen is your girl.  Her life in the Village is enchanting and I love living it vicariously through her blog.

This list of all time favorites and nearest and dearest certainly would not be complete without my good friend Kim at Imagery by Kimberly.  Her first blog Dear Daisy Cottage was one of the first blogs I discovered and it captured my imagination and heart from day one and her new blog has kept me coming back.  Along with her stunning photography and beautiful art work she still shares her beautiful, color filled Daisy Cottage.


Laura at White Spray Paint is one of those ladies that I just know I would be good friends with if she didn't live 2000 miles away.  She and I have a lot in common.  I love her dear daughter posts where she doles out practical wisdom for her daughters, her tales of ranch life as a young girl and her beautiful flea market inspired decor.  Another one of my all time favorite bloggers.

Spring and Turquoise

And lastly this week is Brenda from Cozy Little House.  Her ability to layer colors and textures without being cluttered is unmatched in blogland.  She truly has the gift of display and always finds a way to personalize her home no matter the size.  Her container gardens are always lush, innovative and beautiful.  Definitely a color loving girl after my own heart.

Well that's it for me and Shout Out Saturday this week.  Be sure and head over to Stacey's at Poofing the Pillows to see who she's featuring this week.  

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.

xo, Patty


  1. Thanks for the info about some of the bloggers. Have a fun time at the game. I always cheered for every kid...after all they aren't pros. LOL. I have seen some parents get irate..what would that teach a child. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  2. These are great. I see a few I wasn't following and I didn't realize Dear Daisy Cottage had a new blog.

  3. Such kind words, Patty! Thank you for including me in your Shout Outs with these other lovely ladies!

  4. Some of my favorite blogger gals and blogs, too! :-)

  5. Oh girl, you picked some of my very favorites. ♥♥

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I'm in great company!

  7. Hi. I haven't blogged for quite awhile, but those are my some of my favorites. Kim was the first one I started following. I wonder how I missed meeting you? I loved blogging and hope to get back to it some day.

  8. (((Patty))))

    When it comes to the universe, timing is everything. You have touched my heart for years..... and today you have made it soar. Thank you for the shout out... thank you for the love, support, and encouragement, but most of all - thank you for the gift of YOU. You are a day maker Patty. xoxoxoxo

  9. Oh Patty-
    I am overwhelmed.
    This post shows you continual generosity to those around you.
    I am so blessed we are friends- regardless of the miles involved!



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