Shout Out Saturday - Food Blogs


Someday I really want to learn how to cook, not just make dinner but really cook, does that make since?  Until then I will continue to hone my skills vicariously by watching the Food Network and reading food blogs.  Saturday morning cooking shows are kind of like Saturday morning cartoons used to be when I was a kid, you looked forward to the weekend morning lineup of one right after another.

I love it when I actually have time to pour myself a cup of coffee and watch them all live but most of the time I have to settle for taping my favorites and watching them through the week as a reward for working hard around the house.  I do the same with food blogs, I pour over my favorite ones and drool over the photography and delicious food every chance I get.

And because I'm thinking you love seeing beautiful, delicious food as well, I thought it would be fun
to share a few of my favorite foodie blogs with you on today's Shout Out Saturday.

First up is Kristen from Yellow Bliss Road.  Not only is her blog visually beautiful but the food she shares is actually something you might serve to your own family on any given weeknight. I love her weekly menu plan series and try to add one of her dishes to my list of ones to try because she always seems to inspire me to think outside the box.

Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos 2

Next up is Lorraine from With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart.  I have been reading Lorraine's blogs for a very long time and have tried quite a few of her recipes and they have been delicious.  Lorraine's recipes are traditional dishes that feel like they've been handed down for generations.  Her styling is gorgeous, too.

This next blog is fairly new to me, Cade and Carrian of Oh Sweet Basil.  I actually stumbled on them on Instagram and have been smitten every since.  The photography on their blog is exceptionally beautiful and the desserts are always over the top decadent.  I know you will enjoy your visit there.

Girl scout cookie meets cupcake in these rich chocolaty, caramel, and toasted coconut Samoa Cupcakes!

And lastly, what food blog shout out would be complete without Ree Drummond of the Pioneer Woman?  There isn't much that she makes that I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing around our family table.  Even with all her success, she still cooks for a regular family at home.  Nothing fancy just good stick to your ribs food.  I have all of her cookbooks and tape every one of her shows.  She is definitely one of my favorites.


Well that's it for this weeks shout out.  Are you already familiar with my picks or are they new to you?  Do you have any favorites for me to have a look at?   I'd love to take a peek.

Looking at all this delicious food has me hungry.  I think I'll pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down for a morning of The Food Network.  What about you?

xo, Patty

Be sure you go over to Poofing the Pillows and see who Stacey is featuring today.


  1. Patty, What wonderful foods. It all looks very good. I big cooking days and cooking adventures are over for me. I love the simple things now. But I do admire you for your love of cooking. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. now I have to go back and read your fashion post. :)

  2. Patty, definitely check out I know JB personally and doubly love her food blog :)

  3. I'm actually one of those who love to cook. I even make up a lot of my own recipes. This is the area where my creativity really shines. We're all different, right? I couldn't sew to save my life. ;-) I'm familiar with the Pioneer Woman, but haven't heard of the other blogs. I will check them out. Some of my faves are The Kitchn (yes, it's spelled like that), A Cozy Kitchen, Food 52, Dinner: A Love Story, Smitten Kitchen, My Whole Food Life, Skinny Taste, Oh She Glows, Green Kitchen Stories, Joy the Baker, The Garden Grazer, Oh My Veggies, Gimme Some Oven, and Cookies and Kate.

  4. Not only are they amazing cooks, but their photography is phenomenal!
    I am going to visit them to see if they have any tips.
    Thank you Patty-
    These are wonderful!

  5. I wish I could jump through the screen and eat everything! That might be because the pictures are lovely, but more likely that I'm on a diet and I'm starving! LOL

    Thanks for sharing your favorites :)


  6. I love cooking shows and blogs too! A few of my favorites are "South your Mouth", "Make mine lemon", "Six sisters stuff", and "Damn delicious". Hope you enjoy them as well!


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