stumped and frustrated

Happy Wednesday.  My hope was to be able to share finished pictures of my little main bath with you today but it's not coming together like I imagined.  I have done the work, patched the holes, touched up the paint and hung the towel bar and shelf but it just doesn't look right.

I am stumped and frustrated.  I think I'm going to take down the accessories and just start over.  Editing and rearranging seems to be my mantra right now so I don't know why I'm surprised to be doing it once again.  I'm getting good at patching holes.

I hate when I have a vision in my head for a project and it doesn't work out.  Does that ever happen to you?

I'm on grandson babysitting duty today, so my work will happen during naps and quiet times.  Did I tell you he is already pulling himself up to a standing position on everything in sight and he is only seven months old?  Watching him (while he is awake) is now a full time job!

Silly little problems in our complicated world, for sure...

Hope to be back soon with some actual bathroom pictures.

xo, Patty


  1. I'm having the same problem with my whole house. I decorated with what I thought my vision was. Now, I think it is boring!! So now what, yes, budget plays a BIG part. I love what you have done, especially the colors. I'm thinking that's my problem, no color. I'll be keeping an eye out for your updated bathroom. In the mean time have fun with your grandson! They do grow so fast!

  2. it sure does happen to me ,, so believe me I feel your pain.

    You'll whip this project and have your dream bath. I have faith in you.
    Just take a little break and a few deep breaths and magic will happen. You'll probably get the perfect idea in a dream and when you wake you can bring it to fruition.
    I'll be watching for it.

  3. Uh oh he is going to be walking soon I bet. Lol we have still yet to put the second coat on our bathroom. Only been like 2 months.

  4. Happens to me ALL THE TIME. Decorating for me is trial and error, emphasis on error! But I know you'll get it just the way you want it eventually and it will be as pretty as everything else you do:>) Better hurry though! Before you know it you'll be busy chasing that sweet baby as he runs all over the house!

  5. Haha! I just wrote a comment ...and poof! It's gone!! I will check back in a few minutes and just see if there was a delay!! :D

  6. I am the queen of editing and rearranging! Sometimes it's kind of fun to do so, I think. It will come together in its perfect time. Have fun with your grandson oldest was pulling himself up on furniture at 7 months old also. :-)

  7. I feel at a loss as well. Since our home is on the market, I don't feel like it is ours anymore. Since it hasn't sold yet, I am ready to have a cozy place again.
    You have an early bird on your hands. Hope he waits awhile to take off.

  8. Yup, pull everything out and shop your house again to see if there is something that you can use to make a statement. Sometimes you just need that one perfect piece and you can then work your way around it. I'm sure whatever you do will be great, your home is adorable and so happy!

  9. Patty- I HATE when that happens and yes- it happens to me a lot of the time..and then other times things just fall into place. You are right- pull every thing out and start over. Hopefully, it will all come together this time. Uh-oh- I had one of those 7 month standers, too. That means early walking..uh oh----lol xo Diana

  10. Oh yes, it happens to me all the time! I am sure you will get it just the way you want. We will wait.
    If he is pulling up already, then lookout Grandma...he is going to be walking soon!!
    xo Kris


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