kitchen revamp - the details


It's been a few weeks since I finished my kitchen revamp and other than a couple of small tweaks, (like adding the red band to the curtains) I am still loving the new look.  It is actually a joy to be in there.

I've started the same process of streamlining, decluttering and organizing in the dining room so I thought I'd better share the details of the kitchen before I bombard you with pictures of the projects I'm working on now.

(white curtains without and with the red striped band.)

I started the revamp with a 30 day time frame and a $500.00 budget.  I am happy to say I was able to stay on time and budget with both.  Here is the break down of how I spent my money.

Stainless Broan range hood - $85.00 on Amazon
Behr Paint, Zimmer Primer and painting supplies for the cupboards - appx. $100.00 at Home Depot
shelf and brackets for above the range - $40.00 at Home Depot
red vintage looking clock - $32.00 at World Market
wire basket, new dish towels - $20.00 at Home Goods
paper towel holder, new galvanized buckets - $10.00 at Ikea
new rug - $6.00 at Ross
drapery rods, pot holders - $30.00 at Target
cutting board, organizing dividers - $20.00 at Bed, Bath and Beyond
Post and hardware for small shelf between range and fridge - $20.00 at Home Depot
New coffee pot - $40.00 at Walmart
Miscellaneous trips to Ace Hardware and other stores for odds and ends around $50.00

Because we did the work ourselves and I was able to use supplies I already had on hand, I actually came in under budget at $453.00.  The only thing I wasn't able to replace was the light fixture.  The one I have my heart set on will cost me around $150.00.  So I cleaned up the existing one and will learn to love it until I can afford the one I really want.

I think the most important lessons I learned were to break things down into manageable projects if at all possible.  Set a task and complete it before moving on to the next one.  Be prepared to live with piles of stuff for the duration of the revamp and be flexible.  Somethings will turn out just as you envisioned and others...not so much.  For me, the ones that didn't turn out like I thought, ended up turning out even better with a little tweaking.

And lastly, learn to love the home you're in.  It may not be your dream home but that doesn't mean it can't be a beautiful place to dream in.

xo, Patty

I shared the details on how I built the mock cabinet between the stove and the fridge in a this post.


  1. Love the red band you put on your curtains. Such a warm and inviting kitchen. Bring on the dining room pics!!

  2. Your kitchen is wonderful! There are so many things about it that I love...the coffee bar area, the shelves with cute brackets (I have the same ones in my laundry room) ... the red things. You did a great job.

    Now I really learned something here too. You know a couple of weeks ago I was talking about spiffing up our master bedroom? Well, nothing has been accomplished. But if I set a budget and a timeline like you did that would probably really help. I do not enjoy going from place to place looking for the things that are needed but if there's a timeline that would help my keep my mind at ease while driving around the Dallas traffic.

    Now carry on and show us how it's done. :)

  3. Looks great! All your hard work paid off well. Enjoy!!

  4. I love your counter tops even though they are not part of the redo.
    What material are they?

  5. I imagine your kitchen smells wonderful with the candles glowing. I'm awfully fond of your kitchen... lust!
    What I adore: The red clock. Those tea cup scoops inside the canisters! The mug/tea cup rack. The lamp on the counter. Yep I would love all of those touches in my kitchen.

  6. Thanks for the reminder to love the home I'm in. So often I forget how lucky I really am have a home of my own. I love how open and bright your redo turned out. Looking forward to the dinning pics now!

  7. That's nice that you were able to stay on budget.
    Once you do get the light fixture that you want, it will mean all the more to you.

    Cute kitchen, and it sounds like you are very happy with the outcome..... that's what counts :)


  8. I think the red band on the curtains really made them pop. The kitchen looks great. I love that it is both colorful and yet more serene with everything more streamlined. I'm looking forward to seeing what you are doing in the dining room too!

  9. Very pretty kitchen of sunshine for you. Enjoy!

  10. I hadn't noticed the red ticking before-so cute.
    It's a beautiful space and amazing what you accomplished within your budget!

  11. The changes in your kitchen look great. I like your idea of breaking a big job into smaller tasks and I especially like the wise words offered in your final sentence, Patty!


  12. I love your kitchen, Patty. It is so welcoming and beautifully decorated. So homey and bright. I have the same Anthropologie tea-cups (red) as you. Deb

  13. Gorgeous job!! I love how bright and cheery your kitchen is! :)

  14. Very pretty. I love the changes.

  15. Patty, I love the way it looks. I can see now that the red on your curtains works even better with the red accents and cabinets. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  16. Great job!! I love it!! Have a wonderful day!!

  17. I love the addition of the red band on your curtains!

  18. Hi Patty, I love your kitchen! I found your blog through another that I just started following and it's very inspiring :)

    Have a great day!

  19. cute kitchen! did you make the little cabinet between the range & the fridge? i have a 9" wide space like that next to my range that i want a little drawer-ed cabinet like that to go in. did you follow plans? or just wing it? ;-) thanks!


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