feeling refreshed

Thank you for all the encouraging words on yesterdays introspective post.  Sometimes we just need to hear others tell us what we already know.  I spent a couple of days at my moms and am feeling refreshed and ready to dive back into real life.

It's amazing what a little of my mom's cooking, a trip to Hobby Lobby and a movie can do for your outlook.

It's hard to believe this is the last week of August.  Not that I'm not looking forward to fall or anything but this just seems like summers last hoorah and the change of seasons always reminds me that time marches on.  There is no going back to live this one over.  Hopefully, fun times and good memories abound.

I am just about finished in the dining room and I'm so happy with it's cheerfulness.  Even my husband, who is resistant to change, likes it.  That's always a relief, isn't it?  I've decided to put off painting the walls until the weather cools a bit.  I'm not the biggest fan of painting, add the hot weather to that and I'm over it.

Another full day in store for me here, so I better get to it.

Happy Tuesday all!

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, I love the vignette in the tray. My daughter is loving chickens right now, she would want that one. That is sweet your husband likes the re-do. Blessings for a great Tuesday, xoxo,Susie

  2. I love those curtains! Where did you get them?

  3. Oh Patty! I LOVE the curtains! I'll bet you are tickled! They are so cheerful and happy!

  4. Charming pictures Patty!
    I did not have a chance to comment on your last post...but will just say that my own mantra for now is "Just be."

  5. I love the curtains, especially next to that sunny yellow sign! Perfection. Glad you got things sorted out ;)

  6. I love your cheerful colors and those jars all lined up and looking so pretty. I'm delighted that you had such a nice visit with your Mom :) Great sign, too.
    Keep Smiling.
    Connie :)

  7. Glad you had a rest and are refreshed getting to visit with your mom is one of those things we should not take for granted. :)
    I love these cheery little curtains and the mason jars add a nice touch of sparkle!
    have a great week!


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