summer roses

I have been trying to stay on top of the garden this year as the heat sets in and the spring flowers begin to fade.  This is the time my attention usually starts to wain and my enthusiasm begins to wither.

My hope is to keep it tidy enough that the few die hard flowers that perform well in our intense summer heat will not feel like cast offs...a mere after thought, but instead will stand tall like troopers holding down the fort until fall's cooler weather appears.

I've been cutting roses like mad so that their beauty can be enjoyed inside for a few days instead of burning up in the afternoon sun.  I have also been trying to save more seeds from my favorite spring annuals for planting in the fall and for giving away to friends.

We are so lucky in Southern California to have 10 solid months of prime gardening with only August and September leaving much to be desired with their 100 plus weather.  What about you?  Do you garden all summer or do you give up the ghost so to speak when the heat kicks in?

xo, Patty


  1. Would love to have your weather year round! Your roses are just beautiful!


  2. Patty, I wish I had so many pretty roses to choose from. I am not even sure my rose will bloom it's so small right now. Had to cut it way back after our horrid winter. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. How pretty, those are awesome blazing colors. I have never planted roses but would like to try knock out roses this year.

  4. Your roses are just beautiful! Love your color combination and the cute white pitcher. :)

    I have to admit I get sick of gardening around the end of July- in my area (Pacific Northwest) that's when the air starts to get stagnant and most of what's in my garden is either done blooming or yet to come. And the ground is too dry to weed well, too. And usually despite my best efforts a good chunk of plants get fried from the sun (on the south side of my house)- not to mention by August the weeds will have taken over to the point of my surrender. ;)

  5. Hi Patty. Your roses are so pretty. I have also been saving seeds this summer. I have lots of nasturtium seeds. I do keep plugging through summer, but get a little tired of it during the hottest months.
    I loved to go out early in the morning, and just before sunset, to do my gardening. It is a nice time to be outside.

  6. OMGOODNESS! Those are just gorgeous, Patty. Absolutely gorgeous- xo Diana

  7. lovely roses... my rose plants are not producing much roses.. :(

  8. Funny how here in NY our growing season seems just opposite of yours.
    August and September are prime months for our farmer's markets.

  9. So beautiful and refreshing.

  10. I've always been envious of those who live in southern Cali with the gorgeous weather all through the winter! Though like you said, I know the heat gets unbearable for a couple of months. Here in northern IL, our flowers and gardens are just coming into their prime. Most of the plants in my butterfly garden haven't even bloomed yet! We start to fade around here in August. It gets very hot and humid and all the plants start withering - and so do we! Although I try to bite my tongue about the heat because it sure beats our winters! Your roses are beautiful.

  11. What beautiful colors together. We're over 100 degrees today and even hotter tomorrow with 105 expected. That's our summers though. I love photos of your gardens and the gorgeous flowers.

  12. So many gorgeous colors! I love roses!

  13. I am much the same with gardening and we only have about 5 months but come August? Forget it! Your roses are beautiful1


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