the wait

Do you know how they say when one door closes wait and another one will open?  I have not always been the biggest fan of that saying.

I am more of a "have a thought then push it through and figure out the details later" kind of girl.  All the while wondering why there is no peace in my life.

Note: This mentality can leave you alone in a sinking ship more often than not.  It can also lead to over commitment and a severe case of crash and burnout syndrome.

Now, I am finding that there is Peace in the wait...

I have had several doors close to me lately that I thought were swinging wide open.  I have hung up the phone with feelings of disappointment only to find out that another opportunity (better fitting than the one before) has presented itself, one that I would not have been able to say yes to if I had pushed my way into the other.

I am finally letting go of the plans that I have for my time and waiting on the ones that my Creator has for me.  Why did it take me so long?  Am I that stubborn or so proud that I think my way is the best way?  Did I forget that there is Someone who knows me even better than I know myself?

Someone who gave me my gifts and talents and knows the best kingdom use for them...

Now I am wondering how many other God appointed opportunities have I not been available for because I was too busy with plans of my own?

Sarah Young writes in Jesus Calling, "The peace that I give you transcends your intellect.  When most of your mental energy goes into efforts to figure things out, you are unable to receive this glorious gift.  I look into your mind and see thoughts spinning round and round: going nowhere, accomplishing nothing.  All the while, My Peace hovers over you searching for a place to land."

How long has God been circling my life with His Peace, looking for a place to land?  By letting go of my thoughts spinning round and round, I can leave the runway of my mind wide open for Him. 

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation." 2 Thessalonians 3:16

xo, Patty


  1. Need this right now Patty...

  2. Good morning dear Patty! Your post today certainly does identify with me. I have run away to the mountains. I am all by myself, and just enjoying the peace. Talking to God, and listening.
    Love ya,

  3. oh patty dear!! a big are a talented person.. so your peace lies in your creations... have a wonderful weekend..
    loads of love

  4. Patty, This post applied to my daughter so much....just last month she was let go of at her job, selling cars. Then she apllied for many jobs had interviews, just kept plugging along trying to get a decent job. She landed a great job,in 4 weeks, just 10 minutes from her house. She'll save time, gas money, and let go of the stress. She is thrilled. God is good. xoxo,Susie

  5. i've been waiting on a door to open for me - so i totally understand. i sure hope you find your path or answers soon. ( :

  6. What a precious post with thought-provoking words. Thank you for sharing - I needed to read this. I am now following you and I am excited to visit again. Have a beautiful weekend.

    Hugs to you,

  7. Patty - When they say "Patience is a Virtue" - they really mean it. I am always in such a hurry to get things done that I often miss fantastic experiences that the Lord has for me I'm sure.


  8. Patty- I so understand what you are talking about. I have always been a push forward kind of gal and then regretted some of my choices. I have a hard time waiting on the Lord sometimes...and think I know what He wants for me-when I really haven't a clue. Age has helped me to wait-and-see. I am glad some good doors are opening for you. xo Diana

  9. Beautiful post, Patty. I think we all have times when we try to push open doors, but I read something recently that said if a door closes, don't bank on it, don't push on it; trust that whatever is behind it is not meant for you at this time.

  10. Pardon the typo ... that should be don't "bang" on it, and I guess don't "bank" on it either. :)

  11. Patty,
    The importance in this lesson is learning to wait.
    Years ago, my family pushed me into making a decision I wasn't quite ready to make.
    I wanted to wait!!!
    Although "it was all good", I would have liked to have been better prepared!
    I get lots of ideas rolling around in my head (usually the 3AM Syndrome).
    But I have learned to put the plan on paper.
    It either lifts off from there. . .or ends in File #13!!!
    One thing that truly helped me learn to wait is my birth placement.
    Laugh, but I'm the youngest of three children of blue collar workers.
    I was the last to be able to: go to parties, join Girl Scouts, date, etc.
    Now, I pray specifically for a sign.
    That many times comes in an affirmation from another Christian Sister.
    Thank you for sharing with us as you travel along this journey.
    We all gain from others experiences. . .and friendships!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This is beautiful. We have been in a waiting period for a while and I truly believe some of the greatest life's lessons come from the waiting rather than the fervent doing.

    I love that quote from Jesus Calling. I have heard some wonderful things about that book, (as well as some harsh criticism about it being heretical and occultic.)

    I am inclined to believe the first about it! Have a blessed week preparing for those open doors!

  14. Preach it, Sister! :) seriously that's probably better than the majority of sermons I've heard in my lifetime ...:)

  15. Wow. I could have written this post.


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