faith walk friday #10

I can't believe we are at the end this faith walk friday series and how great it is that we get to end with the best topic of all...

on being blessed - I wish this was going to be one of those posts that made you go, "Aha" and that a light bulb would go off because of some insightful thing I said.   What I've learned in my 50 years of faith walking is that there may never be that "Aha" moment. It may be just a series of gentle whispers and a few small steps of faith that place you on the path to walking a life of blessed assurance, a life perfectly in line with the will of God.


Every child of God is living a blessed life, whether we are on a mountain top or in a valley.  The blessing comes not in the circumstance but in the blessor.  We are blessed simply because we are His and our desire should be to live as He lived, giving up what was rightfully His to walk out a lowly existence with us.  What sacrifice can we offer when the ultimate sacrifice has already been made?

I said at the beginning that it all stems from being chosen by God to be His. What do we do with that? How do we walk out that knowledge? How does our life look different because of it?   I wish I had the answers, I only know that our lives should look different.

Do you know Shannan? If you do then you know someone who was willing to step out from a comfortable life into the unknown to follow Jesus. If you don't then go over and get to know her because we could all use a little bit of Shannan in us.

You may have noticed that I've added a couple of things to my sidebar.  One is a daily blessing list, just to remind myself that I am indeed blessed every day in spite of the problems in my life (and we all have them) and the other is a way for you to join Shannan at flower patch farmgirl to dig a well for those who are not able to turn the faucet off and on and get fresh, safe running water by donating what you can.

Thank you for joining me on this ten week journey, for your warm and encouraging comments and for reminding me that we are not alone in this walk.   Just because we've reached the end of this series doesn't mean that I'm in any way done sharing my faith walk with you.

Faithfully His,


  1. Very thought provoking, such a lovely the rose picture...beautiful!xx

  2. Patty, thank you for this series.

    I do know my walk with God has bumps because I am all too human but I cannot imagine my life without Him. I don't think I could handle the day to day pains of this world without my faith and I have a good life. What about all those dear souls out there who do not?!

    May you be richly blessed for writing this series.

    Barb ♥

  3. I can't thank you enough for this. You have a beautiful heart that beats Christ.

  4. Great thoughts!

    I love your gratitude list.
    It is most certainly important for us to approach every day with an
    'attitude of gratitude.'

    For all that we have, we owe to our Heavenly Father.

    And, even on our darkest days.... we have blessing. We just need to recognize them :)

  5. I agree I think it is a gradual process you learn as you walk thru the trials of life and see what others are going through too that you realize it is so good to have a thankful heart. Makes life so happy if you focus on what you have and not what you don't.

  6. Beautiful post and photos Patty. I'm going over to meet Shannen right away. I just have to say I adore your thankful list in your sidebar! May I please copy that idea?

  7. What such inspiring words!! I like the pictures too!! I'm going to go over and check Shannan out :) What a nice post :)

  8. Very beautiful post!

    Be blessed...

  9. Such a great post!

  10. I came in late to the game, but I went back and looked through the last ten's refreshing when real people share their real walks. Refreshing and encouraging! Thank you for being so open and transparent! :)

  11. So thankful that I stopped by to read your post today. You have a beautiful way of sharing God and His amazing love for you. I leave, inspired and blessed by the joy in your heart and the rose picture that you shared.

    Hope you have a good weekend! I always enjoy my visits here.

  12. Hey there, Happy Weekend! I love the sweet little pitcher with the roses. I found some white
    cream pitchers at Ross earlier this summer. They would make lovely vases for a sweet little bouquet. Thanks for the idea.

  13. Hey my sweet friend! Thanks so much for your comment on my hubby..he really does deserve it! :)
    I have been so busy blog has kind of taken a back seat. I have had so much to blog about, but honestly not had two seconds to get on and blog. sigh. I wish life would slow down just a little. Thanks for noticing my absense, I appreciate it. :) You are such a dear sweet person..I wish we could sit and have tea together. :) I do know one thing...since we are both Christians I'll get to meet you "one day". :)
    Have a blessed day girlfriend and enjoy this beautiful season!
    Love ya!

  14. Do you have any idea how many lives you have probably inspired by this wonderful series. You have opened your heart in such a lovely way, Patty. May God bless you deeply for spreading His Word. Have a lovely weekend, dear lady!

  15. I really liked your lovely words, and the red roses....AHHHHH, MADE MY HEART SING!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  16. You are such a beautiful example of Christ my friend.....thank you for blessing my heart as we "walk through" this life.

    Smiles & Sunshine,


  17. Beautiful post! Just wanted you to know that I collect those blue ball jars and have over 30 decorating the top of my kitchen cabinets. Enjoy yours!

  18. Hello :)I have really enjoyed your faith walk posts, thank you. Loved what you said in your last post about children of God living blessed lives simply because we are His, weither we are on a mountain top or in a deep valley. So true and so important to keep reminding ourselves of that. Have a blessed week, hugs Pam

  19. You are a blessing to others. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.

  20. I haven't been following your 'faith walk fridays' as I am a fairly new follower of your blog but your post today says it all. We are truly blessed and what would life be without Him? I cannot even imagine. God is good, isn't He?

  21. What a beautiful post. The pictures are lovely and the words are wonderful.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I am you newest follower. I look forward to your lovely posts.


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