
It's been raining off and on all day.  Just the perfect day to stay cozy inside.  Look what I pulled off the shelf to help pass the time.

I love cookbooks.  I am trying to get better at opening their pretty covers and actually using them to cook from.  It seems I've gotten into the habit of pulling out my laptop and perusing the Internet for something new to try.

I guess that makes me a tad bit hypocritical...on the one hand I wax poetic for days gone by but on the other hand I am quick to take advantage of the latest technology.  Oh fickle, fickle me...

Such a split personality I have.  I think I'll fix myself a hot cup of tea and settle in my favorite chair.  I could spend all day within these pages.

What about you?  Internet or cookbooks?  Or are you lucky enough to have a box full of handwritten recipes?


  1. Oh I love cook books too. I've got so many and running out of places to put them. If I see a good one I've just got to buy it.
    You look as if you have some good ones there. Have a good afternoon looking through them!!! I wonder what you will make. :)

  2. I use all three! I love the worn handwritten ones the best. /i really enjoy pouring over a cookbook. My favorites are the old church cookbooks with old favorites in them. You know it will be a good when when "Mama's" is in the title!

  3. I tend to use both cookbooks/recipe cards and the internet. Usually I use the internet to find new recipes and use the recipe cards for classic family recipes that we make often!! I enjoyed looking at your pictures, your house and blog always seems so cozy and warm!! Thanks for posting :)

  4. I love the cookbooks but sometimes turn to the internet when I can't remember which cook book holds the recipe I want! A perfect fall day here (northern Michigan) 50° and sunny. Hope you picked out something good to cook. Laura

  5. Both! But I have to admit that I love cookbooks and actually sit and read them like a novel! Sounds like you had a lovely day :)

  6. That certainly does sound cozy Patty. I have oodles of cookbooks too. Many of the same ones I see in your photo. Being an avid cook I tend to use them more as a suggestion. I adore reading them and am also lucky enough to have many hand written recipes as well, that are tried and true family favorites! Enjoy your cozy day! I too am cozy by the fire, only we are up in Big Bear.

  7. Nice to know that there are other cooks out there that enjoy 'reading' cookbooks too :)

    I like to get good recipes from where-ever. Give 'em a test run, and if they meet my expectations, then they become favs.

    Have a great weekend, and stay warm and cozy.


  8. I use all three, but I love the internet more and more!

  9. I am torn between cookbooks and the internet. Especially now that I have discovered Pinterest! Totally addictive!! I use it as an online recipe box. But, I do have 300+ cookbooks and adding to that each time a new one comes out that I can't live without! I saw that you and I have many of the same cookbooks. Thanks for a lovely post! xo Jina

  10. Oh Patty, I found some else (you) JUST LIKE ME!!! I adore cookbooks, Gooseberry Patch are my favorite but I find myself picking up that darn little lap top and quickly searching "exactly" what I am looking for, rather than enjoying the hunt for something perhaps "unexpected".

    Thanks for the reminder to take my time and enjoy the ride.

    Looking forward to our little get-together next month.

    Love to you,


  11. Your photos are magazine worthy, Patty. I love all of them.
    I also love cookbooks, altho I don't have as many as you.
    I have to admit that I use the internet and ...well...blogs. :))
    But, like you, I love to look at cookbooks.
    xoxo bj

  12. I love cookbooks and had a large collection, but unfortunately had to sell some when I downsized. I have several of the ones in your post. Love Gooseberry Patch. Thanks for visiting and for the follow. I am following you back. xo

  13. So nice to meet you Ms. Lemon :)
    Cookbooks, I used to have grundles, but I have downsized and only keep the ones that have sentimental value. You see, at my age and stage I cook from memory and have about 12 in my itinerary.
    Love the pics and covers, but pinterest has captured my heart :)

    P.S. I see you like red too!

  14. Definately Cook Books for me, got loads of them (but I do love books of any type) I do use the internet some times for recipes and print them off (no luxury of laptop for my kitchen, yet anyway!!) but there is just something about a book....

  15. I love cook books! I will curl up with one and just read it, I enjoy them so much! I had a stunning collection as I'd inherited a good many from my Grandfather's collection. When my hubby and I became fulltime RVers, pretty much all of the cookbooks had to go. It was so hard! What did make it easier was that my girls (daughter and daughter-in-law) were happy to take most of them. I did keep a few favorites, though! I do a combo of all three. I have a book of favorite family recipes that I kept (I made one for me, my daughter, and my son -- who could choose to give it to his wife if he wanted to), and I love perusing my tea books for new recipes, but I also enjoy going to the internet and finding new things to try. I've got a lot of the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks on my Kindle, too! That's fun! :)

  16. I have a box full of old family favorites, plus cookbooks. I don't own as many now as I once did, since moving into such a small space. But, I normally end up online looking for recipes. Your photos are beautiful.

  17. Oh, yes I LOVE cookbooks too! They comfort me and give me lots of ideas for meals and goodies. I do get recipes from the internet occasionally but I am fast approching my 40th wedding anniversary and I do have lots and lots and lots of written ones from over the years as well.

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I must say I tend to collect cookbooks. I just love to look at them. But funny thing is, I don't really like to cook :) I do it cause I have to feed the family. But something about cookbooks is just so comforting and homey. But I do go to the internet recipes too.

  19. I've got a whole shelf, but I seem to use the internet mostly now. Thanks so much visiting Buttercup's. I know I'll be over to visit here a lot.

  20. Love all your cookbooks! Just gave ALL my Gooseberry Patch cookbooks who is starting to collect she has tons! LOL! I use our family cookbook that I put together years ago for all my girls. I add to it all the time and most new recipes are from blogs! Wasn't the rain wonderful?! I want it to come back! Love your pics in this post!

    Miss you and all the girls! A fun little lunch at Tom's Farm's would be fun if we have the time after Thanksgiving! WooHoo!

    Love ya Patty!

  21. Ah ha! Great minds think alike! I love cookbooks, but when I need a recipe fast, I go to the internet. My husband jokes that it's my cookbook! I've got a bit of all three - recipe box, cookbook, and the internet. I probably should mention blogs as a great source too. Oh I better not forget Pinterest! Did you make anything?

  22. I do have a big box full of hand written ones, have passed them on to my 8 kids. I love cook books too but I, like you run to Google for quick ideas and help. I have been wondering what that is doing to the sale of cook books! ;D

  23. What a great collection you have. I actually use all three sources ... handwritten recipes, cookbooks, and Internet. Actually four sources if you count the dozens that I've printed out from friends, or cut out from magazines. They're all useful.


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