
Woo-hoo we made it.   It's been hard earned and a long time coming but we are on the starting end of a long summer weekend that hopefully involves lot's of good food and second helpings of dessert! Even though we don't have any big plans to do anything special I am still ready to celebrate.

Before we light any fireworks I thought I would catch you up on the happenings around here and then you can do the same with me.

patriotic centerpiece

On the decorating front... I did decide on carpet for the master bedroom so now I just need to return
the sample board, talk some numbers and set up an appointment to get it done.  It feels good to have that decision made.   Today we head out to purchase the paint and then the fun of moving everything out of the way of splattering paint begins, insert sarcasm here.

patriotic centerpience

I have also been making notes about how a few other rooms function in our home (because I need to have multiple irons in the pan at all times) and what I can do to tweak them now that my daughter is moving out...again...for sure this time...I think...fingers crossed...

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I know the last time we talked my house was going to be empty and then it was not going to be empty after all, but things have changed (they do that a lot around here) and my youngest daughter and her two boys will be moving in with my older daughter and her two girls just up the road next weekend.  (I know that was a really long sentence...sometimes they just are.)

So that will leave us her room upstairs, which my husband has already claimed, empty.  I am trying to negotiate at least the closet for my junk stuff but I haven't closed the deal yet.  My grandson's room will remain the same because my daughter works the night shift and they will still be sleeping here a few times a week.  Plus that empty room might be just a little more than this grandma's heart could bare.

patriotic centerpiece

Please tell me that your life is just as crazy and ever changing as mine.  I thought once we reached a certain age things would settle down and we would be sitting on the porch just rocking away our evenings but so far that is not the case.   My husband says that I would hate that life anyway and while I sometimes wouldn't mind giving it a try, I'm pretty sure he's right about that.   Just don't tell him I said so.

Have a wonderful 4th, my friends.

xo, Patty

If you'd like to read more about my life and chat some more, you can do that here.

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  1. Patty, You sweet girl, you are way too young to just rock time away. LOL. Go and do as long as you are able . Glad you decided with the flooring...some peace of mind thing off the list of everyday life choices.. Wishing all of you a fun filled weekend . Enjoy the good foods and company. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Patty, I've always assumed you are not working outside the home.... I hope I'm right! But I guess I"m not really sure. I know you are definitely not old enough to "be retired" whatever that is... because I"m supposed to "be retired" but I swear I'm busier now than I was when I worked at a job outside home. I now work IN the home! and it's not paid work but just work.... and it seems we find more and more to do once "retired" so we never seem to have time to just sit and enjoy life. At least that's the case for me.. my mom always said that too. She did alot of volunteer work, of which I have on my bucket list, but still haven't managed to squeeze it in! The one good thing about retirement is that you can choose to take a day now and then and force yourself to do nothing! Doesn't happen very often, but we do have the choice. And really, after a few hours of that, I'm ready to DO SOMETHING! Funny thing. Seems like my life is always changing too... I've learned not to get too comfortable when things seem to be going well or the way I would like them, as usually something happens to break it up and change it up and we're forced to take a new direction with our lives that we thought was pretty set. I guess that life isn't meant for us to sit still for very long. But one thing I can say for sure, be thankful if you are healthy and able to do things.. and take advantage and do them while you can! If I'm grumping about having to do this or that, and would rather not, then I tell myself "at least be glad you CAN do it!" and then I feel better! Take care and have a nice "realaxing" (???) weekend! Am anxious to see your new carpet color for your bedroom. Hugs.... Marilyn

  3. I am on the same page as Marilyn McLeod. I want to go back to work so I can rest and be more organized again. Hahahaha! You have your daughter and grandkids....I have my mama who is turning 87 this month. She no longer drives and her memory isn't what it used to be. She is still living on her own but I wonder what the future will hold for me. It seems like I am needing to do more and more for her every week. Well, the good thing is she isn't demanding. Most of the time she is pretty easy to please.

  4. I think me and my husband are around the same age as you guys...we're (almost) 54 and 56. Our son just graduated university and will be moving back home July 31st - so this is our last month of "freedom"! It's going to be a big adjustment for all of us to have him back home after being away for three years, but all I can do is hope and pray it goes well.

  5. Patti, the thing about our adult kids is that we just never know when they might come and go. Please don't feel alone on that front! I look forward to the day that everything is smooth and my boys both live on their own...without any help. :)


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