In between all the hustle and bustle of helping my daughter to move out this week I've been busy making lists of things I'd like to do here at home.  I thinks it's important to rethink how your rooms are functioning for your family every once in a while.  As our family dynamics (and even interests) change, the way we use our home changes as well.

For instance, how I use my studio space has changed a number of times over the years depending on
what craft I am pursuing at the time.  Right now I am doing more blogging work than crafts so I am getting ready to set aside a more designated office space and will be moving some of my craft supplies into a newly spare closet.  (And yes, if you read this post, I closed that deal. Wink, wink!)

I am a list maker so I always start with an "if money were no object" wish list and a "bare bones" function only list.  I like this approach because when I meet in the middle (which is usually what ends up happening) I don't feel let down that I didn't get all I wanted because I got more than my bare bones needs.  For some reason that line of reasoning works for me.

If we use my studio space as an example my wish list includes a pretty desk for my computer that is large enough for me to spread out worksheets and blog post ideas, plus shelves for organizing paperwork and topic related books and magazines.  On the bare bones side is a designated place to work on my blog.

cost plus desk
cost plus drawer desk
Now that I have the idea (my wish) visually in mind, I will look at what already exists in our home and see if I can re-purpose something to function in this capacity.  As I see it, I have three options...

art desk
#1 - Traditional Student Desk
#2 - Drop Leaf Table
#3 - Farm Table
#1 -  The obvious choice would be the student desk but it is too small.  I feel cramped when I sit there to work.

#2 -  As for the drop leaf table, the oval shape is awkward and it just doesn't feel sturdy enough.

#3 -  So that leaves me with the farm table.  This is actually a great option.  It is certainly large enough and with the addition of a few cubbies (that are currently holding scrap book paper) I think it will function perfectly.

Obviously any of these options will require a big purge and re-org before they will function as an office desk but then so will the whole room (which is why I procrastinate).  My actual list for this room simply says...reorganize, purge, relocate craft supplies to spare closet.  It doesn't have a time frame on purpose, it's just a list that I refer to when I have an hour free or even a whole afternoon.

So now times that by the fourteen other areas of my house that have a similar list going and it can be a bit daunting to say the least.  But having it written down for me helps me keep focused and motivated.

Don't worry I'm not going to share the full list with you (at least not today) because that would just cement to you how crazy and controlling I really am, but this will help keep me motivated to change things as time and money will allow in the coming months.

office inspiration via pinterest
inspiration office via pinterest
I used my studio as an example of changing how a room functions but for you it could be an old play room that your kids have out grown that would be better used as a library or media room.  The goal is not to feel overwhelmed by all there is to do but to always to be working toward loving the home we're currently in.

It has been a while since I set out to plan a few updates to our 1954 cottage and I had forgotten how much fun it is and how necessary for my sense of order.  Part of it is the change in family dynamics with my daughter and her family moving out, but another part has to do with hearing how other people are fixing up and loving on their homes.  I want to feel that again, too.

Whatever the motivation, I hope you feel inspired to make a few changes where you are, too.

xo, Patty

If you'd like to see more of my cottage style you can check out my post on our Master Bedroom Inspiration.

Shop the Lemon Lane Look...


  1. Your inspiration pictures really do match your style so I think you're on the right track.

  2. I love your inspiration pics. I am still working on my office space, trying to figure out what will work for me since it also doubles as guest room when my daughter and her husband come home for a visit. That means everything has to fold up and have a place to be put away! I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I know it will be beautiful :)

  3. You are such an inspiration to me. We have a tiny 3rd bedroom that has been reinvented many, many times in the 29 years we have lived here. Now it is my reading/computer room. I am having out of town company starting Thursday. I wanted to re-do my whole house but because of time and money that was impossible. I wish I could just get comfortable with things as they are and accept things aren't perfect. UGH!

  4. Patty,
    Like you, dear friend, my creative space has undergone many changes over the years!
    I, too, am in the process of making a "few" physical changes. . .just because.
    If I keep the decor the same, my inspiration can become stale.
    I l o v e the white and turquoise work space in your inspiration photos!
    Keep 'em coming. . .the photos and the inspiration!

  5. My craft room needs to be organized and cleaned out. Rethinking a room is a good idea. Things do change.
    Thank You, the heart arrived today :)

  6. I'm a list maker too! Seems like every day I start a new list, or add to the one I have, or if I've crossed off things, I then start a new "fresh" list... crazy but works for me. Keeps me going in a more focused direction. Otherwise I get overwhelmed. Talking about recreating a space, I need to rethink my craft room/office/guest room too. We moved into our new (old) house 8 months ago and my craft room is kind of just how it worked at the time with a quick set-up. I do wish I had a bigger desk area. I what we had at the time which is a folding table that is narrow and long. I would love a "desk" with hard surface and some cubbies above, and a place for my printer which isn't at the end of the table taking up so much room! I need to really get in there and rethink it (and start another list!). I hadn't added "desk" to my wish list, but maybe I will.

  7. Great idea to re-think your rooms and create lists before getting started. We became empty nesters a couple years ago and use our spaces differently now.


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