free time, me time - let's chat

Last week I had a little mad money in my pocket and knew just what I wanted to do with it; buy a new magazine or two.  So I headed out to Barnes and Noble on Monday in search of the latest Mingle edition and whatever else caught my eye.

I was so excited when I found the Mingle issue I was looking for and a new Country Gardens
magazine as well.  Even as I was checking out I was thinking to the week ahead, trying to figure out the perfect time to crack them open and press that first crease in the seam.

I had already made a trip to the nursery and picked up a few pansies (they were on sale, so how could I not?) and I knew I needed to get them in the ground.

So that took care of my scheduled free time on Wednesday...

I also knew I was scheduled to babysit the grand boys three times during the week so there went Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

So that meant if I got up on Saturday and made quick work of the chores that needed to be done after breakfast I should be able to snuggle up on the sofa with a nice hot cup of tea, my sock clad feet curled under me and browse and dream and plan to my hearts content all afternoon.

By now I'm sure you know where this is going...yep, just about the time I was kicking off my shoes and waiting for the tea kettle to whistle my oldest grandson reminding me that he had a dinosaur diorama due on Monday and wasn't it important that he get it finished on Saturday and not wait until the last minute on Sunday.  (Of course, Saturday was kind of the last minute since he had the previous two weeks to get it done!)

So out came the pipe cleaners, construction paper, scissors, glue and crayons.  Needless to say, three hours came and went and nary a page of a magazine was turned.

And here she is in all her Jurassic glory.  I know what you're thinking.  That took you three hours?  No, it took my seven year old grandson three hours, I was just there to supervise, (wink, wink).

This is my second go round with kids in the house.  The biggest difference this time is that now I try not to resent the interruptions and constant mess as much.  I know too well how quickly this will all be over.  The army soldiers, Thomas the trains, cowboy boots and lego bricks will be replaced with can I borrow the car keys in no time at all.

So much for free time, me time this week.  Now I just need to figure out what next week looks like and try it all again.

xo, Patty


  1. Oh, how I know that situation :) With homeschooling and a husband that comes home for lunch every day, I never have enough quiet to just sit and read. My magazines are stacking up and calling my name!

  2. I do hope you get your time soon but I bet you don't regret Saturday morning. :)

  3. Just the reason I don't buy many magazines anymore. The time with the grands cannot be replaced and you are right they grow up way too soon. Don't you love Dioramas. Never heard that word until I had grands. 2 of mine are driving and one with her learners. The "baby" is five. How did that happen. Back to magazines...I haven't seen Mingle. I think a stop at my local Barnes and Noble is due. Maybe Hobby Lobby? Your flowers are beautiful. I usually wait until late February as we might still get a frost.

  4. Patty,
    I see a Masterpiece of L O V E in your grandson's diorama!!!
    I understand your needing time to yourself, dear friend!!!
    Even in my retirement,
    I still have days when I struggle to find the time for reading my newest magazines!!!
    Thank you for your recent sweet visit and kind comment!!!

  5. The diorama looks great.
    What is that magazine Mingle? I've never heard of it.

  6. Patty, I understand! As you said so beautifully, this is the time to live in the moment because this time is fleeting. The diorama is pretty great! Have a wonderful week.

  7. I can understand your conflicting feelings even though I'm not there yet (with grandkids) myself. I'm an introvert and have to have a lot of alone time. I love my books and magazines and have to have uninterrupted time to read. However, I also know from raising my own kids that nothing is more important than spending time with them. You are right - those grandkids will grow up quickly and before you know it, there won't be army men and Legos all over your house. Just the slam of the door as they leave to take off with their friends. xoxo

  8. I love the pics of the army men toys! Reminds me of Toy Story. I'm like you, I want uninterrupted time when I can read a magazine from cover to cover.

  9. Patty , I so understand the not having time to read magazines .Life often just gets in the way , but sometimes we just have to remind ourselves to make time for "me" . Wishing you a great week , hope you get a lil free time ~hugs Angela


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